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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I have an account with Tuta. I set it up to be able to use my own domain, so Ive created a few throwaway accts.

If you’re this concerned, why are you using a bank at all? You strike me as a cash under the mattress type.

Any Admin worth their salt is going to defederate anyways.

If it’s anything like LibReddit, then public instances are slowly breaking due to the hgh API calls. Private ones seem to make a small enough amount that they go under their radar.

You have other options thankfully. If you’re in a large city, you can often find small independent retailers which sell tickets. When I lived in Toronto I used to go to a record shop to buy mine.

You can also go to the venue directly. Oftentimes if it’s a smaller venue they’ll have tickets available as well. Stadiums usually don’t go this route, but it’s worth a shot.

Lastly there are other online retailers for tickets like https://stubhub.com

Ticketmaster is a goddamn scam. The entire industry knows it, but it makes money for the labels so they tolerate it. There’s a reason Taylor Swift and The Cure have been making a big stink about them lately. I personally won’t go to a concert if Ticketmaster is the only retailer, but I’m fortunate that most bands I see play in smaller venues.

I forget exactly when it happened, but shortly after Facebook launched to the public. I had an account for a few years but was always uncomfortable with it. Then when Cambridge Analytica and Facebook were exposed I went scorched Earth.

Since then I’ve learned programming, networking, and some basic cryptography in an effort to better understand and protect myself. I’ve been a Linux user for about 25 years, so it wasn’t too hard for me to adapt.

No, but you can use it to buy a prepaid Credit Card and register it with bogus info.

Frigate is a camera server. In order to link Reolink into it you’re required to download their app, register for an account, and then setup your server. The fact that you’re required to download their app, and make an account is the problem.

It’s entirely possible I missed some method of doing this that doesn’t have this problem, but google turned up no results when I was setting it up.

What I ended up doing was just keeping a traditional doorbell, but mounted an old smartphone running IP Cam and a Solar Power Bank with it. I have a few “proper” cameras, but they’re far less reliable than my janky-ass cellphone rig.

Reolink has had some concerns over privacy, and transparency. You’re required to use their app, even if you’re linked into HomeAssisstant/Frigate. Most of their cameras also don’t offer continuous recording, which has made me really regretting my Reolink E1 Outdoor.

I used to use KeePassXC, it works fantastic. After a few too many friends and family members started asking me about internet safety due to getting their accounts compromised, I spun up a Vaultwarden instance for us to share.