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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I mean, for the discerning gentlemen scared of their own shadow knowing their general location, I’d say it’s right up their alley.

It won’t be, at worst it will be passed around a bunch of marketing companies sending you a bunch of pointless junk mail. And that’s really only if you go to a shitty bank.

I just do that so the cat doesn’t stare awkwardly at me while I poo.

When he doesn’t try and take a look in the bowl during the action, at least.

Better just give up, then. Obviously the only solution is violence because random people on the internet have decided there’s literally nothing at all that can be done to change things.

“Millions of people doing lower waste”

Basically saying that reducing the problem in smaller steps on a larger scale does more than a few fanatics doing everything all by themselves.

Its also to help alleviate the guilt of not being able to reduce waste to nothing.

IMO targeting someone you don’t like with antipathy regardless of their actions is a sociopathic move.

Ah, good ole “your opinion is subjective, but mine is absolute”.

So you agree that your interpretation was very subjective, and many people didn’t have the ease that you had?

I think their efforts are more for bringing gaming on Linux to more mainstream attention. Not knowing you can game on Linux is a major factor for a lot of people in not switching.

Well, considering the community this discussion is in…

And, respectfully, the average person doesn’t seem to give much of a fuck about anything other their own base desires most of the time.

Do people not just download music anymore?