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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023

rss is cloudflare dns. You can run a constant ping to it, forever, with no problem. Same with, which is google. If you want something more FOSS oriented, go with OpenDNS.

Doing so doesn’t really expose much information about you, the concern here really isn’t warranted

Having a phone number for potential employers to call you is important,this is one of those things that’s kinda silly

What value does jumping through hoops to download an iso add, exactly?

You’ve heard good things about arch solely because you’re on Lemmy. Using arch means you’ll be dedicating about 50% of your working time towards tinkering and making it fucking work, which is fun don’t get me wrong- unless you have actual work to do.

Ubuntu is solid but a little sluggish, I’m personally an advocate for Mint as far as something you can drop a windows users in and they’ll generally figure it out.

This is not a good post unless you specify what VPN you’re talking about.

Yeah, I haven’t personally used grapheneos but that seems to be the reigning king at the moment

I mean it’s pretty cool if you make something yourself

Are you good bro? You’re putting a LOT of words in somebody else’s mouth and your sources here don’t really back up your argument

They don’t have time to give a shit about each individual that goes through customs

Power toys and mouse without borders would like a word

Nobody cares about your IP. Admins can see it, they can see mine, they don’t care.

If you want to be paranoid use mullvad and call it a day.

You have to use CLI to get around it, I don’t consider that functional for the average user

Ahhh okay okay, maybe I misunderstood. I was under the impression that it could only send messages between devices on the same LAN.

Sooo, dial up is slow. Very slow. But the data being transmitted over the physical cable is still using TCP/IP protocols to communicate with the broaderinternet.

Look up something called the OSI model.

The routers and switches downstream from you don’t care about the nature of your connection-fiber, copper, wireless, dial up, it’s all the same. Converted into frames which contain packets which contains bytes which contain bits, which are made up of 1s and 0s.

So from a security perspective? The line can be tapped, but that’s true of Ethernet and fiber as well. What’s amazing about information technology is that it’s built around protocols that exist independent of the physical equipment involved.

Does it really need to be said that OP is probably trying to retain the ability to send messages outside of his own network?

Theoretically, they don’t have access to the photos even though they’re running the server between. That’s what end to end encryption means, it’s encrypted on your end and decrypted on the recipients end.

Unless the middle man in question retains both your and the recipients encryption keys, they can’t read the messages. This requires trusting the vendor in question.

However the only alternative to trusting a vendor is not only purchasing your own equipment, but also deploying it on your property, and building and maintaining your own isolated physical connections between those locations. This is what nation states and militaries do, the US military has an entirely physically separate and independent “internet”.

There’s a concept in information security not to spend more protecting information than that information is worth. Your gifs are probably not worth the effort of building your own infrastructure, unless you’re sending some highly sketchy content.

So it’s totally useless as a communication tool

I have mixed feelings on ME tbh. It shouldn’t be in consumer grade hardware at all, but it definitely has applications in enterprise environments as far as device management goes. Having an out of band solution that runs independently of a given OS on your devices is handy.

Kinda like iDRAC for Dell servers

Jfc this community

Don’t use anything ever, at all, if that’s your take. Almost every business, industry, and sector users windows in some capacity. You cannot avoid it. Your bank uses windows, your local government uses windows, fucking Taco Bell uses windows.

What would you prefer, every company use individual home grown, poorly maintained software?

Every company use only Linux? That’ll create so many more problems.

Go live in a cabin in the woods if you’re this paranoid. Otherwise bank on the fact that regulations surrounding healthcare data are pretty strong and are taken pretty seriously, and Microsoft knows that.

Because not giving the bank your contact information will accomplish exactly nothing to that affect, and it makes you sound delusional and paranoid.

I see this kinda of lunacy here frequently: privacy is important but you have to exist on paper in some fashion to make it in society.

The bank has to have your information. That’s how it works.

The effective way to combat this is to pull their information from data brokers and tell them everything you know. Then they feel violated, as they should.

They’ll blame you and never put two and two together though.

This is such a weird thing I’ve noticed on this community. There was a guy not too long ago that would make new accounts like daily so he wasn’t posting under the same username and it’s like… why?

I get you want privacy, but there’s a line where it just stops making sense, and your personal info isn’t that valuable. Anyway

Fingerprinting is tricky, you have to be as big standard as possible. Ironically privacy plugins make you more identifiable sometimes

An interesting note-

Another issue is that Strict mode is used by roughly 0.5% of Brave’s users, with the rest using the default setting, which is the Standard mode.

This low percentage actually makes these users more vulnerable to fingerprinting despite them using the more aggressive blocker, because they constitute a discernible subset of users standing out from the rest.

Bruh what? If you’re repeatedly making new accounts because you don’t want people reading your post history you’re doing something wrong.