New warning as AI suddenly targets billions of private messages on smartphones…

Okay but I don’t want AI. Any AI.

For this specifically, sure.

For everything? I don’t agree.


I dont want current gen BS AI which appears to be being used for like 92.4% evil

I do want AGI tho pls. ASAP.

Humans have fucked it all up and we deserve to be replaced by our successor species.

I’d much rather have AGI in control than politicians and billionaires.

No you only hear about the evil shit so your meter is heavily skewed and you’re just fucking doomer posting.

Took me 3 seconds to find how invaluable AI is for doing good.

Resistance is futile.

Maybe I’m just old and stuck in my ways, but I don’t see the upside here. Why would I need Google’s AI to be able to tell the tone of my messages and respond appropriately. They’re my messages. People send me messages to talk to me. In what world do I want to remove myself from that process?

If my wife texts me and says “when are you going to be home from work?” I don’t want an AI looking at my chat history and making a guess. I want to tell her what I have going on right now and respond. If a friend asks me if I wanna hang out this weekend, I don’t want AI checking my calendar and seeing I’m free and then agreeing to plans. I want to think about it and come to a decision myself.

Can someone smarter than me point to an actual good use case for this?

this is almost like when people traded baubles for valuable things to unknowing natives. corporations make these inane features and expect us to pay for them by giving them all our information. They dont bother to even ask, just assume we are ok with it by having all this crap on by default.

The AI isn’t really for you; if it works for you, great. If not, it’s more training data. Remember you’re not the customer.

Some scenarios are useful, but the AI has to read it all to find that. It just need to know as much as possible in order to build a profile.

The only problem is that it is not limited to only you that can read the profile. You have no control of the data is stored.

You know those people who want send one text, but they use the enter key as punctuation so it arrives as 37 texts?

You know

Something like




For some people

It’s not this bad

But I’m sure we all have that



Who does something like this.

AI can summarize all those text messages and tell you wtf they actually want in one single message and one single notification! (Hypothetically, lol)

Suppressing repeated notifications has been a thing since messaging has been a thing. If your service doesn’t offer it, find a better one. Also, this is a hypothetical, and a bad one. Why would you not simply read the texts?

Not all AI is bad. In the healthcare sector it could improve decision-making, produce personalised treatment plans, and so forth.

Obviously, the healthcare professionals will have final say, but it’s a good tool to have. AI will not replace them. Though it will streamline cumbersome processes.

I am all for AI as long as it’s used in a non-dystopian manner.

AI is going to be used to deny care and entrench racism in medicine.

It’s insane to think anything else might happen.

There are already talks of military use, reading all your texts, eliminating jobs with no plan to support those who lost them, AI driven cars killing people, taking all creative work from humans and leaving the menial tasks…that’s nowhere near a complete list and it’s already dystopian.

The thing is, when private companies are the ones that hold the tech and monetize it, shit is going to get dystopian before you can say “artichoke.” Capitalism is dystopian. Late stage capitalism even more so. And we are fast approaching a new frontier in which these same evil tech companies will wield this unbelievable power. I get it. There are good uses. But when the end goal is profit, our best interest comes second, if not last.

It’s a tool like anything else. It’ll be used for everything like anything else. It cannot be stopped. All we can hope for are tools to mitigate the damage and applications to outweigh what bad it’s capable of. Trying to slow it down is like trying to stop a flood with buckets. Build a boat, it will only keep rising.


produce personalised treatment plans

Isn’t that what the doctor is already supposed to be doing? Looking at our history, charts, treatment attempts and customizing? Because if not I could just WebMD and pay a doc to write a scrip.

There are a lot of things doctors record in evaluations, and they feed these AIs this information and instead of these AIs spitting out a “diagnosis” they calculate risk of harm vs risk of further investigation.

In things like pediatrics, this reduces the need for unpleasant and dangerous procedures - a CT scan impacts a 6 year old way more than a 30 year old.

AI is extremely useful for problem domains with a ton of input, medicine being one. Doctors can only do so much and rely on algorithms just like the AI does. The AI has the benefit of being able to do it a fuckload faster, more accurately, and compare it to more relevant things.

Don’t confuse it with generative AI. this is a very different system than that.


Yes, but doctors aren’t very good at it.


They should be, though.


I agree, but I’m not going to hold my breath over that happening.

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