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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


article should have less loaded heading though. by now it should be expected that most read only that. Heading in general should contain the essence of the article so the general idea can be seen at a glance.

this is almost like when people traded baubles for valuable things to unknowing natives. corporations make these inane features and expect us to pay for them by giving them all our information. They dont bother to even ask, just assume we are ok with it by having all this crap on by default.

Someone should reverse engineer how the data collection itself works, maybe it could be messed with directly

At the moment, there is no way to avoid having your information taken by corps. But what if we fought back by trying to pollute the information they gather? Instead of just trying to disable data collection, we could try to interfere with it and make it collect all kinds of useless crap that cant be separated or distinguished without serious effort. This way you could achieve same kind of anonymity as standing in huge crowd.

Another way to do it could be having huge community data pool that every participant adds to and also claims as “their own”. I bet its really useful to see 1000 people with almost identical dataprofile and no way to distinguish which entry belongs to who. How do you even use ai to sort it out?

I think that is something we could do about it even on individual level.

When you use chrome you might as well go full corporate bootlick and not use any blockers at all

The big companies at least will make using their products awful experience if you value your time, sanity, privacy or just about anything at all. Its unfortunate though how many people seem to be content in watching almost nothing but ads and maybe some other content occasionally. Those types of users will probably keep using whatever was presented to them first.