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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


No. It just does not work that way. The article specifically mentions that there’s no proof whatsoever that the company can actually generate a face from DNA. It’s like looking at a textbook on automotive design and predicting exactly what a specific car built 20 years from now look like. General features? Sure - four wheels, a windshield, etc. Anything more specific? Nope, not at all. And this is before we get into environmental factors - think of scratches or aftermarket spoilers on a car. Humans are similarly influenced by their environment, even down to the level of what we eat or the pollutants in the air we breathe.

What the cops did is as close to bullshit fantasy as makes no difference. Asking a fortune teller to draw you a picture would be only slightly less accurate. This is so insanely problematic those cops ought to be up on charges.

I’m sorry, is the article quoting a fucking LLM as the interviewee? What the fuck is this? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Suppressing repeated notifications has been a thing since messaging has been a thing. If your service doesn’t offer it, find a better one. Also, this is a hypothetical, and a bad one. Why would you not simply read the texts?