“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Biometric is high security against thieves and nosy girlfriends, not kidnappers or cops apparently. You need to be physically present for most of them which means it can’t be done without you knowing. The problem arises when the person who wants access also has access to you.

Because of people… like you… who provide nothing to a free service besides costing bandwidth… leeches to a free internet… vampires to charity…

  • Sure, but I think it’s safe to assume your IP is near public information when connecting to any domain.
  • Okay, this is a fair point, I don’t think anyone at any company should have sensitive data open to employees. That’d be as bad as having passwords accessible by X role at the company.
  • Near meaningless data though. It’d be like if it knew if your keyboard was connected or not. It’s hard to use that information.
  • From what I understand, services use phone numbers because it’s harder for bot accounts to be spammed. Whether they allow themselves to go beyond that is up to the company. Even Counter-Strike and Valorant, competitive games in general, do this to curb the automated userbase.

  • Everything everywhere I connect to has my IP, oh no.
  • It’s not plaintext if it’s encrypted…
  • So like cookies but for an application, not that intrusive imo.
  • “You may be required to verify your account with a phone number” - I provided a phone number once and they’ve never, at any point, sent me anything or asked me to use it. You could easily use a burner phone.

Even thinking about a company like Google seems like more of a privacy nightmare. This is relatively tame compared to most everything else.

Yeah, sure, complain about it if you want to, it just doesn’t make sense if you’ve already given them the data. I like Signal for privacy but it doesn’t have any customization, no personalization, no personality, it’s nearly sterile. It does it’s job and that’s it. Great for people who want privacy for like… work but for just talking to friends Discord seems more enjoyable.

I haven’t scraped the terms of service to see exactly what kind of data they collect but I’m not extremely worried about it. I don’t put sensitive information into it beyond my payment information for Nitro. I’m sure everyone here on Lemmy, a self-host and open source site/software, is against programs like Discord because they’re proprietary but I personally just enjoy it and don’t find it very limiting.

Ah right, so it’s fine if it’s a privacy nightmare but combined with ads, woah there. If you’re right, they already have your data. If you don’t use it, why even complain?

This is just Netflix all over again. If you don’t want to pay for Nitro, watch ads. If you don’t like ads, find the door. I don’t get why people normalize freeloading online services and get pissy when they have to pay for what they use. Servers cost money. Pitch in with ads, data, or a subscription.

Otherwise go do your open-source self hosted and P2P programs, they all have the same problem. Reliability.

Yeah god forbid anyone pay for the shit they use, just keep hopping around to suck the life out of every ‘free’ service there is. Nitro is right there.

Mullvad eatin good as governments desperately try to regulate the ungovernable.

Yeah let me just boot up fucking telegram to watch this pirated movie, said 7 people ever.

No you only hear about the evil shit so your meter is heavily skewed and you’re just fucking doomer posting.

Took me 3 seconds to find how invaluable AI is for doing good. https://www.ibm.com/topics/artificial-intelligence-medicine

It’s a tool like anything else. It’ll be used for everything like anything else. It cannot be stopped. All we can hope for are tools to mitigate the damage and applications to outweigh what bad it’s capable of. Trying to slow it down is like trying to stop a flood with buckets. Build a boat, it will only keep rising.

Probably not the actual content, hopefully, but more than likely the file types, length, size, frequency, every other variable so they can sell it. Probably to people making software to store or back up files so they know user habits and expectations. But that’s obviously the most innocent framing, I’m sure there’s a darker side somewhere.

Well yeah it was an internet gigatrend and it peaked. It’s a steady loss on players but they’re gonna sit there and lie to my face like they aren’t making money hand over fist on skins from the addicted still on it.

There’s no way they’re losing money with Fortnite and Unreal 5 in their hands. Literal money printing machines. They’re bullshitting hard.

The money machine hungers for more. Never satisfied for more than a moment.