Lately I started including what happens to my data in case I die unexpectedly in my threat model. As of now I’d like for everything to stay private. All my accounts have a strong password that I store on a keepass datbase that I store only on encrypted devices which themselves are protected only by PIN or Password with no biometrics (I use the pin only on my phone which is set up to get wiped after 20 failed unlock attempts to mitigate bruteforce attacks). As for what I post online, I keep it to a minimum and nothing really personal, preferring only viewing content through clients with no account when possible. I know some services allow to set up what happens after a certain period of inactivity but I was wondering if you guys can suggest anything else. Maybe some program that wipes the computer’s drive after a period of inactivity? Some other tools or some tips I didn’t consider?

I concur. Once I’m dead I give zero shits who looks at what on my devices. Have a blast folks.

Yeah and I’d like to think like that too. Issue being that if I think “once I’m dead it’s not my problem anymore” then it would also automatically turn into “once I’m dead nothing I did mattered so why living in the first place?”. I will be dead, I won’t be able to care but people who were around me will for both what I did and who I was. Again, I have nothing REALLY important to hide but I might in the future so why not just get ready now and get used to this kind of digital lifestyle.


Just encrypt what you don’t want to share and leave open what you do. Bit locker or equivalent.

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