Dizzy Devil Ducky

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Out of all the games that I know for sure that have a native Linux port, I’m either going with Minetest, which I have been playing for Voxel Libre (once Mineclone2), or the Sonic Robo Blast 2 with the Reveries mod, despite not knowing what exactly it changes. They’re the 2 games I know have a native port that I’ve been playing the most recently.

If you connect it to the Internet then sure it can be easily harvested by large companies. Pretty sure you can host an offline AI in a device you have made sure the hardware isn’t gonna be phoning home and it’ll probably be fairly safe if you aren’t an idiot like me and actually know what you’re doing.

Google Pay or Apple Pay, probably even Samsung Pay too, but I personally wouldn’t consider any of them good for privacy.

Well… Time to delete my PayPal account I only used maybe once…

Mostly been playing Balatro, but I’ve now got a refurbished Steam Deck coming in a few days, so I’ll definitely be playing the Crash N. Sane Trilogy I got just because I know the Steam Deck will be able to better handle it than my desktop.

Somewhat regret the purchase now, but I’m definitely not gonna regret having a Steam Deck later, when it comes.

Probably trolls being trolls or just the usual things governments like to do: ban anything and everything they don’t understand or like.

The problem I see with that is that the large streamers who make the platform will most likely hit enshitification in how they run it at some point. I could easily see them getting either power hungry or greedy and rigging the rules to set things in their favor over everyone else.

This is why if I ever have to get win10 on a VM on my laptop, I am absolutely not updating, ever. Not even gonna give that VM Internet access. Anything I’d need it for, I can passthrough a thumb drive with the files I need. I would hope to God they don’t have a way to hoover up data without internet connection and with no macrohard account connected.

Yet another reason I stay away from any game that has online multiplayer PVP teams based setting. I trust anti-cheat as much as I trust that random file you find on [Insert Sketchy Website Link].

Privacy laws here in America are about as real as the American Dream. We’re more likely to see Jesus return from Heaven, walking on a stairway made of clouds than to see actually useful privacy laws. We’re more likely to see the rich elite willingly giving up all their wealth and power before we get privacy laws.

That pal in the thumbnail looks like someone on the Palworld team took a fan edit of an Egyptian themed lucario and specifically designed that pal to look just like it.

Another solution that guarantees no data is sold is to just buy a regular corded vacuum. It may not be as convenient, but it’ll save you having to worry about your vacuum stealing data. At least until they start forcing newer models to require an app.

Don’t know if it’s possible or if I’m just dumb, but I definitely feel like having a VM that will “detect” whatever hardware you want it to say you have along with a VPN sounds like a great idea.

Again, don’t know if you can do the fake hardware thing with a VPN, but it’s what I’d do if it’s an actual thing.

If we are talking major software making companies/groups, then I’ll happily agree pretty much 100% with that statement because there are definitely plenty of small groups following their footsteps in one way or another.

Closest we have to a “unicorn” billionaire with some sort of moral compass is Linus Torvalds, if you ask me.

As far as I’m aware, so long as you have purchased it fully with no payments left on it or any loans used to finance it, there is absolutely nothing the car manufacturer or the place you bought it from can do besides void any warranty you have on it. And that’s if they figure out you removed the component.

This was totally my plan for when I inevitably switch to Linux as a daily driver.

It’s a solid plan if you just wanna play older PC games and don’t want to go through the hassle of trying to get them to install using a program like WINE.

Saw something about this days ago and couldn’t find it. Definitely saving this post so I do not forget what this distro is called, again. Definitely wanna try this out via dual boot or VM in the future on a more powerful device than my current desktop and laptop.

Not that I would support it in any way, but that would be the perfect time for people to suicide bomb. Being crowded with a bunch of people would definitely lower the impact, but being slightly spread out, you might have a better chance of doing more damage.

Whelp, I signed in the dumbest way possible. Signed under the name Lupine Arsène. Only thing I regret is not putting the country as France to complete the dumb joke.

I was talking about getting those who actually fit that stereotype and not just everyone in those groups.

I’m positive you can get enough of them to believe it through clever social engineering and falsified information/files since the people I am referring to are the ones where that type of tactic works on since they tend not to do any research that disproves their beliefs and refuse to listen to anyone of a differing opinion.

America is full of unintelligent people, so it’s possible it could happen.

If all else fails, I vote we start taking this to the people like the crazy gun nuts, the anti-vaxxers, and the crazy religious folks. Specifically the ones who aren’t as smart.

Convince them that googl€ is going to censor all the information/imagery regarding guns, Jesus, and anti-vax no matter what they say and tell them that if they want it back/to stay, they gotta pull the election riot thing that happened in Washington DC at googl€ headquarters.

If the message spreads far and quick enough, we might see them pull it off. I’d hope it works and we see them break into the headquarters and storm the place. Even if googl€ calls in the police because they get word of this happening, they won’t be able to stop a large enough crowd. In that scenario, if we’re lucky, we’d see the death of many of the traitors destroying the free web. It’s a win-win for our cause and theirs since what we would be telling them is a lie, but the people who actually go wouldn’t believe it’s a lie.

As of now, I can still view Bobby Yeah on PipePipe without any problems not sure if whatever change has been fully rolled out and implemented yet, but I ain’t got problems yet.

Also, I will wait for the news that people have found a way around it. People will always find a way around it. The yt staff may seem smart, but they are nowhere near as smart at the combined brainpower of those looking for a way around any and all obstacles.


Not the most elegant or guaranteed safe way, but I took the video link and put it into a website for downloading yt videos and was able to get it to play and I could download it. Of course I didn’t since I don’t trust the site since it’s part of a work in progress section of a rentry site headed by the r/piracy people (though I’m not sure if they still work on it or if it’s now updated by the piracy@lemmy.dbzero0.com people or just flat out dead).