I really enjoy archlinux so I was thinking on downloading garuda gaming but I’m unsure if that’s the way to go. What distro do you guys use? Have you encontered many problems with it?


Arch is quite good for this. Even though things can break when Arch is too new, it works quite well from experience. I guess Arch is often well supported even though not official because many archers open issues early on and devs try to fix that stuff before the updates hit the slower distros.

debian testing go brrrrr



I use Mint for my main gaming PC. Most things worked out of the box.

On my previous laptop everything worked out of the box, I jus had to install the nvidia driver. On my newest one the GPU required a newer driver than what was available for my kernel, so I had to experiment with various combinations of kernel and driver combinations before I found something that worked well.

I settled for kernel 6.0.0-1018 + nvidia 535.40.03 for my rtx4060.


doesnt matter at all


I’ve had really good luck with Pop!_OS. AMD CPU and NVIDIA GPU, so having the NVIDIA drivers bundled is nice.

Most games in my Steam library work out of the box with no tinkering of Proton. I’ve lucked out in that the games that do require tinkering work with Proton Experimental or Glorious Eggroll’s releases. Lutris is the same, though I just default to the latest Glorious Eggroll release.


It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re on something with recentish packages.

I’ve been on Arch for the past year or so and it’s been working pretty well.

I’ve used openSUSE, Void, Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu in the past for gaming and they’ve all been decent.

I’m just on Arch because I wanted a newer kernel and graphics drivers than Debian.

I found Garuda to be bloated when I tried it out, but I didn’t try it on a beefy gaming rig, so maybe my system was just underpowered? I use Pop!_OS on my gaming rig and have had very few problems with it (most problems I’ve had are because I use a(n?) Nvidia GPU) and those problems have been easily solved.

Any of them. I’ve gamed on Debian, Pop, Arch, Nix, Fedora, etc. Pick a DE you like, a package manager you like, a release cycle you like, an init system you like, etc and find the distro that matches. If you like Arch then use Arch. It’s perfectly suitable for gaming.


I prefer Linux Mint, but I don’t believe there is a “best” for gaming; simply select the one with which you are most familiar.

EndeavourOS and flatpak Steam. No need to reinstall because Arch. Nothing breaks because Steam got flatpaked. It just works. I used openSUSE and Fedora in the past because Arch wouldn’t install on my old HDD but I’ve an SSD now and shit just works and works good. My desktop never looked sexier.


Why flatpak Steam?

Flatpak includes all the libraries Steam, proton, and games need to run, sandboxed and without having to mess with the ones installed more generally on your system. Can help prevent headaches and compatibility issues.

I’m firmly against installing 32 bit libs directly. I had to reinstall my system because they caused some mess. Steam is the only 32 bit using thing so it gets isolated.

Gamed for years on Arch, few problems diminishing over time. Currently gaming on Kinoite immutable (with Arch in a distrobox) with even less problems and a (touch wood) virtually unbreakable system. Then again, I never went chasing those last few percent…


I use endeavourOS with a nvidia GPU. Its basically arch - it works for me as flawless as it could with nvidia and x11 /xorg. Wayland might work but not as good as x11 - but this is another topic :D


I use endeavourOS with Wayland (hyprland) on amd hardware and haven’t had any issues, performance or otherwise


I am sure its nvidia related problems I‘m facing.

The only thing you really need for a good gaming distro is to be relatively up-to-date.

If you want the optimisations garuda provides you can just install them yourself on whatever distro, though they will probably be rather negligible.

I’m sure u only wanted to tell us, u are using arch linux. You wouldn’t switch OS only for gaming. Jokes aside, I would rather switch from nvidia to AMD instead of using another Distro. I use arch btw, for gaming and music production.

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