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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Ooh that might be why your battery is so good. The Google services do eat up a lot of charge it seems.

On the google free, I’m not perfect but I’m def conscious, and already am using mostly foss apps. The rest is just social media I can’t really avoid. Thanks for the proposition though!

Its actually so good that the redmi note 8 (with lineageos-mucrog) I had before performed basically the same as my pixel 6a

Do you use the google play services and/or the alternate user accounts?

Have 6a and I actually got the same battery results as you

I assume this is the guide you’re looking for


You should check the rest of it out, there’s some pretty interesting stuff

The only thing you really need for a good gaming distro is to be relatively up-to-date.

If you want the optimisations garuda provides you can just install them yourself on whatever distro, though they will probably be rather negligible.