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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


I’ve taken much pleasure in shitting on Microsoft and their products for decades, but I’m also the first one to admit the products that are actually good:

  • Built-in antivirus (for the past 10 years, at least)
  • Notepad. (Sometimes you don’t want any features)
  • Outlook Express (Newer equivalent is decent, but too buggy and bloated)
  • Windows 7 (The pinnacle of an MS OS since MSDOS 6.22)

There are probably more, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.

There’s no way Meta will not appeal. I’m sure it’ll end up in our supreme courts eventually.

I use Mint for my main gaming PC. Most things worked out of the box.

On my previous laptop everything worked out of the box, I jus had to install the nvidia driver. On my newest one the GPU required a newer driver than what was available for my kernel, so I had to experiment with various combinations of kernel and driver combinations before I found something that worked well.

I settled for kernel 6.0.0-1018 + nvidia 535.40.03 for my rtx4060.


I’d prefer them over Chrome, jus slightly, but thank the gods for Firefox.

Might as well. I’m a linux guy, running various distros on a few machines, depending on the machines function. My gaming laptop runs Linux Mint, and I find that to be a pretty good choice. Almost everything works out of the box (I just had to install a newer kernel to make the newest nvidia driver work, as my GPU is pretty new as well).

I have a Win10 install, but I haven’t used it in ages. Everything I play plays just fine in Linux.