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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


Nope, As long as you’re not as uncreative as to use Correct Horse Battery Staple.

Either works, but system RAM is at least an order of magnitude slower, more play by mail than chat…

My bad, I didn’t read ‘built a macOS 13 installer’, but now they must return for ‘built a macOS 14 installer’.

OS hasn’t been updated for how many years?

Ahh, not so sure how great a gift an insecure computer is, but I imagine you have your reasons…

It’s Intel, you too can have fedora atomic, and it’ll likely last another 5 years.

Seeing as no-one’s answering the question in terms of privacy (although I agree with their sentiment)

Trust. You have to trust that they will respect your privacy. They actually talk a good game, are probably superior in privacy to the average android (but not GrapheneOS or Linux) in so much as they fend off other entities trying to hoover your data, mostly so they have exclusive access (at least to metadata, actual data may currently even be secure but that can change and possession is nine tenths and all that). At the end of the day, they’re a greedy mega-corporation and cannot be trusted if they need to keep that line going up this quarter. I much prefer transparent systems that keep me in control and possession of my data.

I like their hardware, excellent build quality (shame about long term support and e-waste though). Will probably pick up a cheap M1 Air once Asahi linux stabilises.

Quite true, as I do myself, but “RAID is not a backup”. Use case here would be for offsite backup of encrypted, critical, low size documents (think docs, scans of important documents, source code, personal art) by aggregating e.g. 10Gb free accounts in such a way that if a provider goes tits up, or locks you out, you replace them as you would a dead drive in a RAID array. It’s mission critical secure backup for the poors…

I’ve been thinking about a ‘RAID5’ of free storage providers as a way to overcome this, shouldn’t be too hard to implement, but I’m busy atm. I wonder if their TOS are already onto this, but conversely, how could they tell?

Shocked Pikachu…

Use crappy messenger software (Slack, Discord), get crappy outcomes.

If you want to redirect all mail to yourname@domain.com, that’s very easy to do AND you can still see the original e-mail address these nails were sent to.

And it’s a great way to see who’s leaking your email to spammers…

I don’t route all my system’s traffic through Gluetun, my threat model doesn’t need it, I just route relevant apps, e.g. package management is in the clear but firefox, SearXNG, and nicotine go via gluetun. SSH can look after itself, or I’m in dire trouble. If my threat model did need it, I’d be considering a similar solution to yours, but it’d be heavily cribbed from the known good of gluetun, basically the docker (podman) put to bare metal.

Just use its proxy for the host system’s needs…

In what way are you not re-inventing the gluetun wheel ? Not trying to put you down, just that I’d need a good reason to consider anything less battle hardened.

If you don’t care about privacy, you’re probably blasé about backup, but if you have backups it’s as simple as 3-2-1…

Fair enough, but P7 has 5 years of security updates, I think P8 gets 7 yrs, FWIW.

My understanding is that GOS relies on google for security updates (and sometimes the other way around, they’ve made some flaws known to google). I would trust them to be solid, at least until google drops the P6 security updates, go look up how many years that is. At worst, you can then use LineageOS or something if you need security, hopefully by then you’re degoogled. GOS will still work, but to my knowledge, doesn’t guarantee updates after google stops updating. It’s about as good as you can expect from a ROM, I’m quite happy, personally.

I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgements and intentions are.


Good person. Much like I would like to do. I’d be happy with a VPN for personal use and another one for torrenting (gluetun compatible preferably) Shall look at AirVPN, thanks.

Verifiably no logs without court order (I’m guessing canary pages have gone the way of the dodo now, probably boilerplate in the orders, maybe wrong according to the article, perhaps in some jurisdictions) would be awesome. Verified by external audit is about as good as we can get, so proton, tutanota, I think, others muchly appreciated. I think one of them setup their OS in volatile RAM, which is cool, but probably not legally protective.

No, I don’t expect you to go to jail for me, but due diligence minimising knowledge will bump you up my list of providers to choose.

One problem here is those that do verify, usually don’t allow torrenting ports, so, no ratios for you. Anyone know what the over/under is on lesser tier VPNs that port share vs a VPS (with all its potential, but which country?) vs Usenet? Looking to have a clue when the time comes, knowledge gratefully accepted :)

In this case, you can have a primary user with no google services and a secondary with google services (Play store etc) that you can’t live without, until you find FOSS alternatives for your main. You can also revoke network permission on any app, including google’s. Rocks.

So, I’m on a P7 with GOS, and truly it is a brilliant way to divest oneself from google services, alongside being probably the most secure third party ROM. I think, they’re certainly very keen on it, and laudably competent, updates are around weekly, sometimes every couple of days, because there are some vulnerable (to state level actors etc.) users. It’s been great, I have a primary profile that is google free and a secondary for google stuff that I want, and over time I find, at my own pace, FOSS things to move into my primary, so I don’t need my secondary as much, until I didn’t need it at all. It’s great, and now I can move to any other ROM without google services and be (mostly, except for some bastard in real life requiring an app that I can’t install in secondary on Lineage etc, at least last time I used it, which will come up) happy. Thankyou GOS. Also, being able to revoke network permissions on any random app (including google services) via OS is Gold.

That said, P7 has some issues, it runs hot (I recorded via termux), and if you live in a hot humid environ, don’t expect longevity near the 5Yr security updates promised. Mine’s spicy pillow at 16 months, enough to break the seal and accelerate degeneration. I live in a country with consumer protection for 24 months, so it’s not so bad (I hope, batteries are special), but in the rest of the world it would suck. I do not want to replace my phone every year, assholes.

TLDR: Get a second hand Pixel (4-7), hence not giving money to google, replace the battery, install GOS. Learn, live, enjoy, at the end you will have learned to live free (if that’s what you want).

All storage is secure if you encrypt locally first (metadata notwithstanding). Of questionable utility for phone apps (happy to be corrected, some sort of FUSE type filesystem with cached filenames etc. could probably work), but great for offsite backups (preferably using multiple services) of critical data.

I‘m not shouting. I‘m using proper headlines.

Seen anyone else using them ?

I could also not care less what you would or could do.

But you use social media…

Shout less, please.

Also, no I won’t develop your app. Could (maybe), won’t.

Well, that was depressing (irony intended). Thanks for the thinking…

With GrapheneOS, there’s dual profile, a main without google, and a secondary profile with all the garbage you don’t really need…

Sigh. Way too much freeze in fight, flight or freeze…

Righteous assumption. That it is not, requires investigation. That’s some serious BS.

Got a non-capitalist phone for me?

Sincerely as a hater…

It’s 5 minutes out of your life to try, as an aussie, please do, for charity if nothing else, who knows, you might benefit…