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Trust no 1

I’m using Firefox & Brave Search which is kinda ironic. I’m open to other suggestions if anybody can recommend anything close to Google and with good support for searches in other languages (I speak Polish)

Skull giver

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Never trusted them, they just feel like a Opera clone with a “crypto bro” mindset haha

Opera now has a crypto browser unfortunately


nope. not anymore.

Being a chromium skin is a business decision. I don’t like it, but at least I understand the thought process. The crypto stuff however? No thanks. That’s when I take my business elsewhere.

Not a lot, at least not anymore. Brave has annoying cyrpto-ads that I always have to turn off every time I reinstall their browser, their sync service sucks, and ever since they dropped Bing, Brave search became useless.


Um… No.


Lol no

Jo Miran

Firefox/Librewolf +containers should really be the end of the conversation every time a Chrome Clone is brought up. Throw FF a few bucks their way and you can add a different VPN per container. Shopping container with a USA VPN, social media container on an EU VPN, etc.

Whats so special about firefox containers?

That’s so sad that we need to do that much stuff to browse safely the internet, and personally I don’t do it ;/

Jo Miran

You don’t HAVE to do all that. With that said, Firefox containers are an absolute game changer. If I need to visit a Meta brand site, the URL automatically opens into a Facebook container and that’s where everything related to it stays (including trackers). Same goes for Amazon (Shopping container), my bank and investment account (Banking), and personal stuff like my doctor’s healthcare portal (Personal). None of those are anonymous or anything like it, but it keeps them compartmentalized. I don’t need Amazon or Facebook knowing that I go to Hospital Y or Bank Z.

If its a Chrome reskin (which it is, ofc) it’s a no go. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg with this garbage tech bro tier software.

In order of trust I put it third for browsers that I expect to work with most of the internet. It goes Tor, Firefox, and finally Brave. I like Brave’s direction and appreciate them trying to find ethical and sustainable funding models, but they’re just not as heavily audited as the first two

I don’t trust VPNs that I don’t run, Tor is the answer here for me too. Search I am not sure how it compares to DDG tbh so no idea

In terms of level of trust, it’s enough for a threat model that doesn’t include state actors or any other APT, but nothing more. it shouldn’t be ran with elevated privileges and should be sandboxed (i.e. flatpak) and if possible on a separate system from sensitive information. I could be convinced otherwise but I haven’t seen a reputable organization discuss an audit of it’s code nor have I audited it’s code

No because I inherently don’t trust things that advertise. Maybe I’m weird?

If a product or service needs advertising then it’s just no good

Not at all.

Well I have been looking for brave replacement on Android. Brave has been slowly degrading itself for the past 2 years with shit ton of bloat being put in the browser.

I do have FF but for some unique sites, I have to use a chromium browser. Cromite (Bromite’s Fork) seems interesting for now. I will wait for it to get more stable as things like auto-fill pass don’t work and more.

Just use Bitwarden for passwords and auto-fill.

I already have BW setup, but Cromite doesn’t seem to work with any password manager.


Have a look at Vivaldi for Android.

Nah. Not completely open-source.

Is that Chromium based?


Yes, it sadly is Chromium based.

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