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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


It is important that people remember about the product, no matter in what way. Well, also, think that I’m an advertising bot for the company, I don’t mind 😏

hope helps 😏

this! 😏

so useful! 😏


conspiracy has arrived 😁

all it says is 😏

bruh. maybe you should create bug report on github :)

You need API access before you can use DeepL?))

We have to thank @Bnyro - main developer of the application. He also develops the wonderful LibreTube :)

You have to sync folder that includes notes by choosing “file system” option in sync page in settings. You don’t need to import it. Sync notes to some folder on PC, transfer this folder to phone and sync it there.

it won’t be easy, yes. but I think that with Signal everything will be ok 🙂

SimpleX is definetly THE solution. One year from now and it will be truly awesome product!

microG is difficult to compare to Google Services in terms of features. I know about microG, I use it myself.

Agree. It’s much simpler. But there are still many people who use custom roms, which means that tracking at the hardware level may appear over time.

it’s not useless, because… At least the system isn’t watching you. but Google services - yes, kill all privacy.

a little clickbait 😀

From the article above, I learned what types of data Google learns about me. I’m not afraid of what kind of data it is. So it turns out that this is enough for me!

This is true. These articles calmed me down a lot.

In general I think the same. Too difficult to implement and easy to detect. I wonder if there are studies on this topic)

It would be interesting to see research on this topic :)

Unfortunately it is so. And this is a necessity. But I can make this compromise for the sake of working apps/notifications. This is many times better than regular Google services. It will be very cool when someone will make a version of LineageOS with a built-in patch for Sandboxed Google Services, let’s say a fork (like LineageOS for microG). It’ll be awesome news!

Tha’s why microG is my bro 😀

Seems like this is the article I needed. Privacy for me is no trackers of my touches, app list, no microphone/camera spying.

Thank you. I haven’t come across this author before. Very cool articles about Android ROMs. The type of data transmitted does not look very scary if you do not try to hide your geolocation.