Miss 2 other horsemen infocalpse: drug-dealing and money-laundering

I feel like this is all government stuff, I emailed my senators and like 90% of their response was about children. I feel like we will be fighting until I’m 90 at this rate. Keep in mind most of my generation knows the same amount the boomers do about the internet and nothing more.

At least your getting a response. I got one response that was automated

And … blocked.

To quote Shaka from the Shaka Zulu miniseries, “this one does not want to see the world as it truly is”.

Why not both? Protect terrorist kids

Came to say basically this but you did it so much better.

How is this image still so clean and not riddled with compression marks? I had this excact cartoon as a printout on the side of my tower in 2003. I had thought that this only can still exists as a copy of a copy of a copy. But it looks like it was scanned copied from the source.

as long as the first scan wasnt made as .jpg it shouldnt lose quality over time (and getting saved again and again). SOmething like PNG should stay the same

John Jonik, the maker of this comic, maintains a website with high-quality images of many of his comics.

001100 010010

“This instance has been seized by The US Department of Defence due to threats to national security”

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