The Three Arrows = Anti-monarchy, Anti-fascism, Anti-authoritarian-“communism”.

Egalitarian, LGBT+ Ally, and Collectivist-Anarchist, currently sailing in the High Seas. If you aren’t already here, Join Us at: ! Sail Free in the High Seas!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


iOS now has a “Lockdown Mode” which is supposed to be more secure against pegasus, but can break some functionality, but then again, it’s a closed source OS so you’ll have to take their word for it.

“This instance has been seized by The US Department of Defence due to threats to national security”

I use Fennec (for android), maintained by Mozilla and no possible Google-Play shennanigans.

Noob Question: If you aren’t willing to deal with custom OSes like Linux (for computers) and Android
I mean, exactly how invasive are default operating systems? (Like Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, iOS) Do they log your keystrokes, log passwords, capture screen, upload your photos, videos, or audio? (Assuming you aren't a target of government) Is it even possible for the average person who doesn't feel comfortable messing with installing operating systems to have any privacy?

I want to get one but unfortunately due to the nature of the phone, there is no resistance to water submersion which is a dealbreaker for me. I want my phones to be at least IP67 which I don’t think is possible while also being repairable.