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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


IOS has a 2FA feature included in the key chain (passwords) settings. No need for a third party app. If you backup passwords via icloud, you are already set.

Can you tell me more about Chinas GDPR equivalent? How toothless is it in a country with that much surveillance from cameras to chat surveillance? Can you give cases where people were able to use it to win in court and changing the system the state was running?

Wow. Much privacy. So fast. It took them only 15 years and they just came up with that by themself without any pressure from outside. No regulation needed! You guys, I think we all have to give FB an apology! Maybe FB really does cary for our privacy and is not as bad as we think it is!

Fuck FB, Fuck Zuckerberg, Fuck Meta!

How is this image still so clean and not riddled with compression marks? I had this excact cartoon as a printout on the side of my tower in 2003. I had thought that this only can still exists as a copy of a copy of a copy. But it looks like it was scanned copied from the source.

There is a OTP mechanism natively build into iOS that is backing up with your standard keychain to iCloud. No need for an external app actually. Just go to passwords and look up your service and if you have set it up correctly you will get your OTP from there.