🇩🇪 Marxist, Free (as in freedom) Software Advocate and a loyal player of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


I use Signal as my main daily messenger the two major problems in my opinion are:

  1. Centralized server (AWS)
  2. Requires a phone number to register

soon google will block ALL forms of front ends

the new google massive surveillance apparatus is ready to be deployed

It is something to always take into consideration and not forget.

There’s a fork of Arkenfox to use in Thunderbird mail too. Thunderbird Mail is nice but full of telemetry by default.

I don’t use WhatsApp since 2017 If someone wants to talk to me it must download Signal or no deal.

You can install apps without Google Play the problem is that Google services has a lot of privileges in the system and many useful apps relies on Google Play services to work.

cookies are just a tiny fraction of the whole picture of fingerprint process. The ad companies use your browser agent, IP address, cookies, Canvas, timezone screen size and many others pieces to create a unique identifier that match almost exclusively to you. It’s pretty scary. But the new cool boy of course will be WEI.

Nowadays cookies are becoming obsolete in the fingerprint process (of the users) then the major utility of containers will become obsolete too, in my opinion.

Which privacy related feature do you want most in Android or want to see in a future release?
I have a Pixel 6 with GrapheneOS but all opinions are welcome. My choices: 1° Disable screenshot feature 2° Desktop mode

Did you care about traces that you left behind and can be linked directly to you? Is a nice setup but if you pay DigitalOcean VPS with PayPal for example or credit card all your efforts to hide your real IP that is linked to you is useless. I don’t know if this is a major concern to you, of course.

Because I prefer the granular control that I have over my queries when I’m using NextDNS something that I don’t have with Mullvad DNS.

Mullvad VPN paid with Monero and NextDNS paid version.

E-mail is not a private service by default. You can “try” to mitigate some privacy flaws using PGP for example but PGP is not widespread to be something useful.

You’re right, Google removed the Miracast support from AOSP to “force” the user to buy Chromecast that has its own proprietary cast protocol and disabled HDMI OUT PUT support of Pixel devices using firmware lock. Shit company

I’ve tried without VPN enabled and I couldn’t cast too

me too. I hope when google releases Pixel 8 they enable HDMI Out for desktop mode through firmware update to all pixel devices. I hope I’m not dreaming loud.

Is time for GPL v 4.0?
Now we are facing an unprecedented growth of AI as a whole. Do you think is time for FSF elaborate a new version of GPL to incorporate the new challenges of AI in software development to keep protecting users freedom?

but I think to use scrcpy u need to enable adb on your device that break the security model of GrapheneOS and I refuse to install any Google crap in my device. So probably I will never have wireless cast in my device 😆. Thanks for support man.

Yeah,I think the same. I made some research and it seems that is not possible to cast wirelessly GrapheneOS unless you agree to use Google Play sandbox with some permissions enable and using a Chromecast device.


No, I have a Chromecast and didn’t work too. I didn’t found any documentation on GrapeheneOS site about this feature.

Question: I have a Pixel device with GrapheneOS. In settings there is an option to CAST my device to a monitor wirelessly. Which device do I need to buy to use this feature? I tried AnyCast but didn't work.

Aegis but it just works on Android. If possible use a 2FA app that is open source and doesnt’t have internet connection.

From Mental Outlaw