ESRB plans “facial age estimation” checker for age verification - Dexerto
The ESRB has proposed a new concept to allow for better parental control over kids playing video games.

The ESRB has added:

“To be perfectly clear: Any images and data used for this process are never stored, used for AI training, used for marketing, or shared with anyone; the only piece of information that is communicated to the company requesting VPC is a “Yes” or “No” determination as to whether the person is over the age of 25.”

Sure, ok…

I don’t know what else to say about this, this will obviously turn into something else.

Pay: ESRB facial recognition + Denuvo system monitor + custom launcher with system privileges + game

Pirate: game

This type of stuff only punishes paying customers.

Can’t figure out if this is for parents that want that enabled or age verification for everyone?

Finally a use for all those Obama masks

Thanks Obama!


To be perfectly clear: Any images and data used for this process are never stored, used for AI training, used for marketing, or shared with anyone; the only piece of information that is communicated to the company requesting VPC is a “Yes” or “No” determination as to whether the person is over the age of 25.

I’d have a hard time coming up with a better lie than this.


The same esrb that is almost irrelevant? That esrb?

To be perfectly clear: Any images and data used for this process are never stored, used for AI training, used for marketing, or shared with anyone

Does anyone have some bridges for sale? I suddenly feel an urge to buy a bridge.

Yo ho ho mother fuckers

I’ll either avoid buying anything with this tech or pirate it. I want this idea to be 6 foot under as soon as possible.

we won’t ever ever keep your pictures and stuff for the juiciest possible marketing fodder, we super duper pinky swear


Can people who stop trying to throw tech at things where it clearly doesn’t belong? Seems like every time I turn around people are trying to use AI for things with the expectation that it’s some flawless innovation that can do no wrong.

And that’s not even getting into the privacy nightmare that comes with things like this

Drink verification can.

Any images and data used for this process are never stored

Anyone who believes this deserves it.


Since it determines if you’re over the age of 25, maybe instead they could get a more accurate measure by having you drink a verification beer.


Can we get someome else to write this article? It literally linked to everything BUT the FTC comment website on this garbage.


All I see is one more reason to turn to piracy

Another reason why DRM is bad and only punishes those who buy the product


They’re afeared of guillotines. If you put everyone under surveillance it gets much harder to build them.

Can I vote for a Guillotine Party candidate?



Because this strategy worked so well for determining individuals’ assigned sex at birth. What could possibly go wrong?

Saw an app try exactly this. It was run by terfs and they wanted to lock out anyone who wasn’t a cis woman. Instead it labelled almost every black woman a man and many trans women got through the filter anyway.


It already has gone wrong.

There’s a story about a gay couple here in Sweden. One of the men lived with his mother.

One morning, around 3-4AM I think, a group of masked men went into his apartment and woke him up violently. They physically abused him, before they took him away.

Eventually he was taken to an interrogation room where he was questioned about a child he had supposedly sexually assaulted.

At some point they showed him pictures of him and this purported child, only said child was his very much adult, twink-ass boyfriend.

He and his boyfriend had shared the images with one another over a chat service, like Kik or something, which some American organisation had gotten their hands on, and then forwarded to Swedish police.

Swedish police then swatted him, and when they stood there with egg on their face the investigation was dropped. No repercussions for the police. None of the people who brutally assaulted the man got any sort of punishment, because he wasn’t able to identify any of them, since they were masked and he shockingly didn’t have X-ray vision, and the police had magically lost all records of who they sent out to bring him in.

Thinking back on this still fills me with rage. I’ve always thought our police were fairly chill and approachable, nothing like the gun toting cowards in the US, but no. It seems like ACAB holds true everywhere.


Well, assigning age at birth worked well so far…


Depends on where you’re from. Koreans count you as one year old when you’re born.

Aren’t they dropping that system soon?


The craziest coincidence, everyone I’ve asked was assigned the same age at birth. Small world.

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