Microsoft’s AI chatbot will ‘recall’ everything you do on its new PCs
Software giant reveals upgraded version of Copilot, its AI assistant, pitching its features as a virtual photographic memory

Thats it! My Gaming PC is going Linux


In the 1990s, I transitioned from Windows to Linux as my primary operating system. Since then, Linux has consistently exhibited advancements in the desktop and software space, whereas Windows and Mac operating systems appear to have experienced a decline in terms of user experience and functionality.

As someone regularly using Arch, Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows I agree.

The advances Linux has made, especially in the last few years is just amazing. I can run the majority of my games through Proton, there are even some preconfigured packages with Illustrator and Photoshop CC that Adobe doesn‘t seem to care about at all.

Sometimes I like sitting in my Unix-based ivory tower, but then I remember my daily driver uses macOS and that it’s only a matter of time before they employ something similar/worse.

When the inevitable inevitably evits, the toughest choice for me will be fedora vs tumbleweed.

Fedora + snapper. If you want Arch’s AUR, then Fedora + snapper + Arch distrobox.

then law enforcement gets a hold of it

“how many cars did this user download”

Yuuup, never switching to Windows 11 Windows 10 till something doesn’t work, them back to Linux

Sounds to me like you should skip a step there

Yeah yeah, I’m sure it has gotten easier but I last used Linux well before Proton and I have an NVIDIA card and I remember all too well how that worked back in the day. Long story short it’s too much trouble until I actually have to change something anyways.

Oh yeah, also I have an HDR gsync display and good grief I can’t wait for those to be fully supported cross platform.

It’s not going to get better. I nuked 10 and switched to Linux permanently around the Windows 11 launch. My only regret is not switching sooner, like around Windows 8 times.

This will make Windows 11 a target for hacker and government agencies, since this will be treasure of data. Windows already is bad at security. Let’s see how this backfires at Microsoft.

Microsoft will be the “hackers”. On days when outside hackers aren’t breaking in, MS will be data mining and selling the data themselves

But they promised, that it will stay on my machine. I don’t think they would lie about something such important. /s

Is there a single person who is like “wow I love it”?

katy ✨

*Microsoft to train AI chatbot on everything you do

*Microsoft will show you ads

Google rolled out a retooled search engine that periodically puts AI-generated summaries over website links at the top of the results page; while also showing off a still-in-development AI assistant Astra that will be able to “see” and converse about things shown through a smartphone’s camera lens

What worries me the most is that this AI hype is coming strongly to the smartphone market too, and we don’t have something solid like Linux distributions to change to and be free

I think demand will come soon for either manufacturers to open their boot loaders or new manufacturers cropping up to fill that gap.

I’m running graphene os on a pixel 8 pro and haven’t looked back.

what we really need on phones and by extension arm devices is a unified bootloader, something akin to a bios or uefi (which btw already exists on arm but manufacturers are choosing to not go with it for some reason)

There go all the government installs.


“But they’ll be reserved for premium models starting at $999.”

Translation: “We want to start with the data of people that can spend, then we’ll move to the rest”.

The last Windows computer in my house was my wife’s, and she’s been extremely happy on Fedora Gnome for the last couple of months, asking me why I didn’t tell her about it before (I did, lol).

my girlfriends like fedora gnome too. I do all the technical stuff anyway so she really doesn’t have know to know that much about the os she uses


Same here. The only tweak I had to do was set up Flameshot, my wife finds Gnome’s screen shot app lacking, and so do I.

The only thing we run different is office. I set her up with OnlyOffice because of the similarities with MS office, but I prefer libreoffice.

TIL fedora gnome is the girlfriends choice.

There are certainly worse taglines lol

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