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We also noticed that you calculated numbers near 700,000…are you try to buy a house? And also you keep dividing things by 9 and 12. Are you expecting a baby soon?
Wait…I want to be “Secretario de Pornabilidad Social” or “Secretary or Social Probability”
I imagine my self going through all the SSN… Sexual Super Numbers to manage access and report usage.
1335346755 watched 6 hours per day of mostly vanilla doggy.
2356544677 more doggie
More doggie… doggie again. But every now and then… 1257678965534 watched 72 consecutive hours of BDSM where the sub faces downward into a hole in the floor where a camera…then the last does the same and the video cuts to another similar one. We must report this immediately to the right authority!
“Hmm. It looks like you are serving porn. Would you like me to create more of this porn and distribute it to as many of your contacts and visitors as possible?”
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Bob! Is it still spinning?.. yeah Fred! Hold on I think this cycle is almost over…get ready folks! A few more seconds and the bets will close!
3, 2, 1!!! And the winner is…! Drum roll please!
Green tipped socks!!!
Meanwhile at the Vegas Casino… I got it! Look! I got the bonus roll! All green tipped socks!
I hear a class action lawsuit coming!