SimpleX Chat: private and secure messenger without any user IDs (not even random)
SimpleX Chat - a private and encrypted messenger without any user IDs (not even random ones)! Make a private connection via link / QR code to send messages and make calls.

SimpleX Chat is an instant messenger that is decentralized and doesn’t depend on any unique identifiers such as phone numbers or usernames. Users of SimpleX Chat can scan a QR code or click an invite link to participate in group conversations.

It’s clearly proving to be the most innovative technology when it comes to decentralized communication, in my opinion.


Top-Tec! decentralized and doesn’t depend on any unique identifiers

Here is my take as someone who absolutely loves the work simplex did on the SMP protocol, but still does not use SimpleX Chat.

First the trivial stuff:

  1. no one else seems to use it
  2. UX is not great because of initial exchange

These two are not that unexpected. Any other chat app with E2E security has tricky UX, and SimpleX takes the hard road by not trading off security/privacy for UX. I think this is a plus, but yes it annoys people.

Now for the reasons that really keep me away:

  1. the desktop app is way behind the mobile app - and I would really prefer to use a desktop CLI app
  2. haskell puts me off a bit - the language is fine I just don’t know how to read it - for more practical issues it did not support older (arm6/7) devices which kept lots of people in older devices away
  3. AFAIK no alternative implementations of either the client or the SMP server exist - which is a petty I think the protocol would shine in other contexts (like push notifications)
  4. I was going to say that there are not many 3rd party user groups - but I just found out about the directory service (shame on me, maybe? can’t seem to find groups though)
  5. protocol features/stabilization is a moving target and most of the fancy new features don’t really interest me (i don’t care much about audio/video)
  6. stabilization of code/dependencies would help package the server/client in more linux distros, which I think would help adoption among the tech folk

Finally a couple of points on some of the other comments:

  • multi device support - no protocol out there can do multi device properly (not signal, none really) so i’m ok with biting the bullet on this
  • VC funding is a drag - but I am still thankful that they clearly specified the chat protocol separate from the message relay, which means that even if the chat app dies, SMP could still be used for other stuff.

No userbase + when I exported db ld device and then import to new one, it didnt work…

Any chat protocol without full mutli-device support is not really an option for me

I think it’s just that there are too many options and the communities are so fragmented. I’m trying out simplex but it still feels like beta software. Regardless I’d like to see it succeed so we have a real private alternative that doesn’t rely on big tech or shady government sponsorship.


I don’t trust for profit venture capital funding, if you want to see where it ends up just Look at how telegram or wickr transitions from being “open” and free to getting stripped of features only to have them become paid only and the wickr sold off to Amazon and ended all non business support…the business model for making a profit off chat applications is bad for users.

Also now that signal supports usernames I have no reason to use anything else even for people I wouldn’t want having my real number.

Agreed, this is why I am slowly moving away from Signal. The moment they announced putting in a wallet along their own crypto, was the sign for me to leave.

111M I’ve not heard of anyone who does “not like” it? Many don’t know about it maybe. I can’t think of anything I’ve seen against it as it ticks most of the boxes for excellent privacy and has been very usable for me.

Me, my friends, and family are using it

Aaand… Everyone is hating it, tbh 🤣

The notifications are unreliable and at the same time it drains 20% of the battery

Waiting for fixes, also want to setup my own relay

Does it have forward/future security?



¹ Repudiation in SimpleX Chat will include client-server protocol from v5.7 or v5.8. Currently it is implemented but not enabled yet, as its support requires releasing the relay protocol that breaks backward compatibility.

² Post-quantum cryptography is available in beta version, as opt-in only for direct conversations. See below how it will be rolled-out further.

Some columns are marked with a yellow checkmark:

  • when messages are padded, but not to a fixed size.
  • when repudiation does not include client-server connection. In case of Cwtch it appears that the presence of cryptographic signatures compromises repudiation (deniability), but it needs to be clarified.
  • when 2-factor key exchange is optional (via security code verification).
  • when post-quantum cryptography is only added to the initial key agreement and does not protect break-in recovery.

Simple answer to the question so far as I can see: in order to connect with someone, you have to video conference with them and show them a code. So the anonymity is only as anonymous as the video conference you use to do that. All of the benefits it claims are merely an illusion.

Just send them the code. It’s okay if the channel over which they the receive the code is insecure

Running out of names for apps? I’ll just borrow from Herpes Simplex… seems catchy.


I’m not saying it necessarily is a good name but simplex is just a Latin word that’s used in many contexts. I for one would have never thought of Herpes here

HERPES would be an AMAZING messaging app, since a estimated 60-95% of adults have it already… So very catchy!


Hey man, do you have herpes? Try it out. It is really easy to get one.

I liked the fact that it is really easy to self-host.

I tried it with friends on discord and in 10min I had a vps with a server running.

Are chats synced with the mobile and desktop clients?

Never tried it. But I use Element, which is based on the Matrix protocol.

Isn’t matrix encryption beta? I remembered element always warns about that

I don’t think so.

With SimpleX each server is replacable/fungible

SimpleX is great but not ready for prime time.

I use it as a copy paste buffer on my different devices. I run into issues with sending media sometimes.

Adding people at a distance is a huge pain in the ass with long codes, that needs a solution before the app can be used by normal people.

Optional usernames would be nice

After Signal dropped SMS support, most of my friends jumped ship. No way they’re using this.

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