I’m looking for a privacy friendly device to use as TV box which can play 4K HDR ~90GB movies without problem, do you guys think the orange pi 5 could handle this type of files?

If price is no option get a NAS install jellyfin, jellyseerr, radarr, sonarr. Hell you could even use an old laptop and upgrade the storage if you want a cheap start option.

Shouldn’t there be two devices? One NAS in the closet and a box at every TV to connect to it? What’s the simple box to connect to the NAS streaming service?

Well Walmart sells TV boxes for like $20. I’m just waiting for custom ROMs


I have a few of them. Not bad with projectivy launcher. I added wired Ethernet, storage, and audio out with otg cables.

Not great for privacy though

I’ve been very happy with my Nvidia Shield. It’s powerful enough for all 4k HDR media and runs Android so it’s customizable but I don’t have to think about it.

Verso 4K+ is good, there is a new one as well that supports av1, but it’s not that cheap.

Verso 4K+ is good…

Vero V is here

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