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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Verso 4K+ is good, there is a new one as well that supports av1, but it’s not that cheap.

Honestly the thing that annoys me the most about this isn’t the privacy aspect. It’s the fact that they called it “new outlook”. Which means now at work I have to explain that no, this isn’t real outlook it’s just MS being useless wankers and not being able to come up with a new name for a new product. See also, teams vs teams for work and school. They did the same thing with Skype and Skype for business back in the day and still pisses me off.

Unfortunately for a lot of new drivers in the uk it’s basically mandatory because non black box insurance is so damn expensive for young drivers now.

Interesting, I never really thought about this before. I wonder if there’s a clipboard manager that does this automatically?