Following several reports surrounding its lack of security, Nothing Chats is gone from the Play Store

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Well… that was… expected.

…but a phone manufacturer throwing its weight behind one of these solutions certainly raises the stakes.


Was a phone manufacturer endorsing this solution? If not, then which one? Which manufacturer are we talking about?

Why include this comment with zero actual information?

To be fair, the article initially did not mention the manufacturer by name, taking it for granted that you would already know it was Nothing.

They only got around to mention it a good bit later, after solidifying the idea that the app was really badly made

Yeah, the article wasn’t the problem. My lack of knowledge was. Oh well.

Isn’t Nothing a phone manufacturer?

Apparently they are. I was not aware of that. I’d never heard of them before reading this article.

Nothing is a phone manufacturer.


OH. Thanks!

Nothing to see here.

Who would’ve thought that working with a company that has a terrible privacy policy, a suspicious buisiness model, closed source software, and an idiotic reason for keeping its software closed source would be a piracy disaster???

Sunbird literally has access to every message on iMessage that you send and receive. What was Nothing thinking when working with them?

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Did they have any? I kinda skipped most of the news abt them since Hugh Jeffreys’ vid featuring their phones.

I keep trying think of something fruitful to say about this, but I am truly at a loss for words. Perhaps that’s all that needs to be said.

You have nothing to say?

Nothing to say really

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