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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 08, 2022


Try checking out Element X. It’s made to replace Element stable once it’s complete.

Who would’ve thought that working with a company that has a terrible privacy policy, a suspicious buisiness model, closed source software, and an idiotic reason for keeping its software closed source would be a piracy disaster???

Sunbird literally has access to every message on iMessage that you send and receive. What was Nothing thinking when working with them?

The best piece of marketing Mullvad ever got was when the Swedish police raided them and Mullvad literally had zero data to turn over to them.

I haven’t noticed a difference but this company is significantly more trust worthy IMO

Just install GrapheneOS. The only things that don’t work on it are Google Pay and Android Auto.

Nothing says decentralized currency like having a corporation that controls your assets 😋

Yeah but I find their search results aren’t as good an non-private options like Google. So I’ve always preferred search private engines that provide Google results. Startpage is a great one but if you want one that is open source LibreX is excellent and is better than other FOSS search engines like SearX and Whoogle IMO.