
  • 6 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 02, 2023


Try a different server. I’ve never had any issues accessing bleepingcomputer with Mullvad.

[**Link to discussion on the Signal community forums**](https://community.signalusers.org/t/public-username-testing-staging-environment/56866)

**Image text:** @mullvadnet@mastodon.online This week we will be renewing the OpenVPN certificate on all our OpenVPN servers. This will cause intermittent reconnects during early hours in each timezone. This is routine maintenance that we perform once per year.

At this point someone might as well go ahead and set up a bot to post a daily “why u no like Brave?!” Megathread.

You’re thinking of Chromite github link if anyone’s looking for it.

Although I do agree, moving to Firefox is the simplest option and will cover the vast majority of people’s needs.

They spoke to the international press and wrote to the United States Congress, claiming that their car companies are “committed to protecting consumer privacy” and even called for regulation themselves.

“Gee whizz we awe vewy sowwy fow doing a pwivacy invasion” 👉👈🥺

I’m beyond sick of corporations knowing they can do whatever they want as long as they run to congress and flagrantly lie.

The App store and the Apple store are two different apps.

That was added after myself and another user pointed out that OP’s issue is entirely user error and the app can be uninstalled or notifications disabled. Did you even read the rest of this thread? OP clearly admits they didn’t know anything we’ve said was possible until after our comments.

Have you considered turning off notifications for the Apple Store app or deleting it from your phone? Both are extremely simple solutions. This is a non-issue.