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Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


I know that Microsoft 365 subscriptions are nothing new, but it’s really hitting me how depressing that business model is.

Yeah, the article wasn’t the problem. My lack of knowledge was. Oh well.

Apparently they are. I was not aware of that. I’d never heard of them before reading this article.

…but a phone manufacturer throwing its weight behind one of these solutions certainly raises the stakes.


Was a phone manufacturer endorsing this solution? If not, then which one? Which manufacturer are we talking about?

Why include this comment with zero actual information?

But others will pay for your data. They’ll collect it all anyway. Even if anonymized, it’s still valuable.

My god I just glanced quickly and thought it was 2.99. Asking 12.99 is an absolute joke.

No. They are obligated to obey the law as written. They don’t get to create conditions.