
Are there more sites like https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/ that would do privacy focused reviews? Maybe there are some more crowd based?



lib.reviews is a FOSS site for reviewing just about anything.


Not exactly what you’re looking for but https://tosdr.org is a good resource

Looks great, thanks for sharing! Added to the list

Mr. Forager

I used to hink RestorePrivacy was good, but they’re shilling NordVPN and these other ‘famous’ VPNs too, also with affiliate links, so no longer trust them. Also from what I’ve read previously their authours dont seemt to take critique very well…


I would trust a Reddit hobbyist with a few years of experience over some websites. After all, the knowledge that certain VPN companies are more questionable than others needs to descend from somewhere, right?

You mentioned a (completely correct) reason to question a website, but that knowledge needs to come from somewhere for most people.

Mr. Forager

This link works instead of the one OP sent, seems like a server issue from Mozilla right now?


Thanks for this link, updated link in post!

The site seems to be down

So, for everyone that doesn’t know, in mozilla’s own words:

About *Privacy Not Included: *Privacy Not Included is a buyers guide focused on privacy rather than price or performance. Launched in 2017, the guide has reviewed hundreds of products and apps. It arms shoppers with the information they need to protect the privacy of their friends and family, while also spurring the tech industry to do more to safeguard consumers.

(Btw I love rss readers that cache stuff)


In my case I’m using Miniflux RSS reader on Docker on a Raspberry Pi4. It has option to download content of articles. It’s really lightweight.

Yeah, seems like site is having some issues, I’ve updated link in OP.

deleted by creator

Thanks for sharing! While this is great resource for software, I still would like to see something similar but for physical devices like phones, TVs, cars, toasters and anything IoT.


Not sure what that means and that site appears to be down

Huh, throws a server error 500 indeed.

Cool resource though, they basically list all kinds of products, both digital services and hardware appliances, sorting them after how well they deal with user privacy.

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