
  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


We’re getting closer and closer to the complete destruction of this worthless shithole, keep it up elon!

If you don’t care about privacy that much, which I assume you don’t because you use Twitch, Kick is the only alternative I can recommend. Everything else either is dead, is in another language, or has no good content, which sucks because some of them had good privacy policies. Monopolies are dogshit.

Google is the 4th richest company in the world… Besides they don’t deserve a dime from you, fuck them.

Most search engines that claim to be private (StartPage, Qwant, etc) are fake and will try their hardest to sneakily profit from user data, with DuckDuckGo being the greatest example as they were caught selling user data to Microsoft, only stopping so when they were caught. The only search engine I would recommend is SearXNG. It’s feature rich and is primarily ran by privacy enthusiasts.

They just need a non-sketchy way to ask you for a donation

“This app tries to spy on your personal data”

Needless to say Google hates competition

Please just stop flooding this community with Brave-related shit. We already know what a shitty browser it is, we aren’t living under the rocks you think we are.

It really sucks how a shit ton of money gives a company the ability to do anything they want and avoid legal consequences almost all of the time. It’s a corrupt society we live in.

If someone wants to use a VPN then they clearly care about privacy, which means they definitely know about Google’s business practices. In conclusion, nobody is gonna be stupid enough to use this.

From what I’ve been hearing, it’s actually one of the best places to live in.

Based on the search results, it appears that the DuckDuckGo browser does not use Chromium. Instead, it uses Apple’s WebKit rendering system , which is the same rendering engine used by Apple’s Safari browser. DuckDuckGo has chosen to use WebKit instead of Chromium or Blink, the fork of WebKit used by Chromium-based browsers.


If they don’t want to then don’t continue trying to persuade them. Chances are they don’t care about privacy anyway, and even if they do, everyone has their own personal preferences.

It’s an internet privacy company that offers a variety of products to help protect your privacy, most notably a browser extension and it’s own private search engine.

If you’re forwarding from Gmail, then Google can still see all of your emails.

They aren’t the ones hosting a majority of the Google alternatives listed in the blog…

I recommend Proton Mail if you just want a simple, no fuss email service. It’s free with some paid options, but the paid options are super unecessary and pretty much useless if you just use email to sign up and send support emails. Proton Mail also blocks trackers and cleans links in your emails.

I’ve being using Proton Mail as a free user for quite a while now, and I don’t really have anything to say about it. Though I was a former Tutanota user. I would say that Proton Mail is better due to its tracker blocking, link cleaning, and more.