Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist
Leaked documents spark furious backlash from groups who fear freedom of expression could be suppressed

I don’t know if this is 100% strictly privacy related but I think it does fall in the sphere of protecting one’s right to express oneself privately.

"Government officials have drawn up deeply controversial proposals to broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who “undermines” the country’s institutions and its values, according to documents seen by the Observer.

The new definition, prepared by civil servants working for cabinet minister Michael Gove, is fiercely opposed by a cohort of officials who fear legitimate groups and individuals will be branded extremists.

The proposals have provoked a furious response from civil rights groups with some warning it risks “criminalising dissent”, and would significantly suppress freedom of expression."

For those that don’t know, look at Michael Gove -

And remember that wimpy kid from your school who was horribly, horribly bullied

Then think about what a fuckin psychopath they’d be now if they were in a position of power

“You’re no longer allowed to be upset at your government and if you are you’ll be met with violence”

people use violence

“They just love violence nobody said they were upset!”

Welp, I recommend getting it out of your system while you can

Weird, monarchies traditionally love dissent

I want off Mr Gove’s wild ride.

Finally, we need to stop the spread of dangerous ideas

Wow. This is two shakes short of full-blown Fascism.

Are we in the V for vendetta timeline now?

remember remember

The 5th of November…oh shit that was yesterday.

Yeah, almost seems like a bit too much of a coincidence to me…

Sounds CCP as fuck to me

Can’t beat 'em, join 'em.

Something very western is happening to countries in the west, making them taste their own medicine:

“What are we, some kind of orientals?”

I’m sorry but the CPC is leagues better than the leadership of the UK could ever be.

You down with CCP (Yeah you know me)

Who’s down with CCP (Every last homie)

You down with CCP (Yeah you know me)

Who’s down with CCP (All the homies)

Possibly linux

Finally, its about time. We need to centralize authority as democracy never does anything good

Edit: this is a joke just to be clear

Die in a hole, in Minecraft

That’s not very Orwellian of you

Whoever thought 1984 would become a documentary - and V for Vendetta a possible solution.

Its kind of ironic that its happening in the UK of all places


I mean, George Orwell wasn’t exactly optimistic about the future outlook.

‘If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.’

Everyone that seen the UK go ?

the uk fucking sucks please let it sink into the ocean or someone please blow up parliament

Sweet Jesus, it really is time to bail. Any recommendations on where to go? I’m hearing the weather is much better in France and Spain.

Is Scotland on board with this dictatorship malarky or are they fighting it? I didn’t see them kick up a fuss about the online safety bill which made it to law, which makes me think they aren’t fighting it.

France is right behind the UK right now. It’s not as bad yet but will be in the near future.


Macron in France has seemingly had similar fascist quivers running down his leg.

Yeah but how do we leave without a crap ton of money to buy our citizenship in another country?

I was considering moving to Scotland if they vote to leave the UK and rejoin the EU

You don’t have to buy citizenship in the United States or Canada. Both countries are also fighting internal fascism, but it’s not as bad as what we’re seeing in the UK.

I honestly dont know how most of us can make a move happen. Its a shit state of affairs.

I hoped that Scotland was going to be our get out of jail card too. I’m still hoping.

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