Local online Polish idiot. Free software enthusiast and an ML.

I can’t believe I’m devolving this account to hornyposting

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 23, 2023


The “free speech” schtick is enough of a pairing for me to be quite the dog whistle.

This a screenshot of mostly text, it can be easily transcripted. It a aint a fuckin apple. What are you talking about?

Oh stop it lmao

These stupid internet points mean nothing

“The powers that be” doesn’t describe anything, nothing permanent anyway.

That statement didn’t even imply permanency.

friendly leadership today is a hostile leadership tomorrow because its all a game of musical chairs.

Liberal, parliamentary democracy is not the only form of governance, nor even this divisive as you paint it you know? And even then, the parties of a liberal democracy are but splinters in the interests they themselves represent. Capitalist interests. Some of them may be “we should give them some crumbs so they quiet down” types, a social democrat minority, and others are “DEFUND EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE MILITARY AND PRIVATIZE THE REST” neoliberals, the majority nowadays. Nonetheless, they are on the same team of interests which has existed in the united states since ITS INCEPTION. Not that small of a timeframe.

The tools to violate privacy, once created, will fall into all hands. In my opinion, we will learn the easy way… or the unfortunate way.

As OP said, these are but tools and depending on who weilds them, and who you are yourself, your relation to these tools changes. It’s not a universal evil, I for example would prefer a government keeping tabs on nazis and not leftists of all kinds (anarchists, communists). That’s why do many Americans don’t care. These tools don’t hinder them, and help maintain the status quo they benefit from.

In the future I think that you should prioritize understandability and explanation over vocabulary and brevity. What use is a display of swordsmanship to a blind crowd?

Did I do good? xddd

Jesus, at least don’t be a pretentious asshole about it. It’s nice that you care but cmon, a transcription image combo would be best. Also:


lol. lmao even

Something very western is happening to countries in the west, making them taste their own medicine:

“What are we, some kind of orientals?”

I’m sorry but the CPC is leagues better than the leadership of the UK could ever be.

I’m using the APK file instead of the Play Store version because the latter censors Russian media channels (and I hate censorship)

This stance is what eventually turns one into a communist. I would know. I had it.

Britons again with the most draconian laws you can possibly imagine. That wretched island has been nothing but a pile of the worst things and ideas humanity has to offer, and still it’s the “bastion of freedom” and part of the “free west”.

What a joke. At least free software alternatives that make sense and can provide anonymity and privacy could possibly be free from such a backdoor, like SimpleX or something else.

Well I wish best of luck to all Britons so that they may be safe. Especially trans people…

Something people are willing to accept for daily trade already between themselves and it’s realistic, hard cash. Otherwise if you want to really avoid the fed that bag for buying eggs you are out of luck, your choice is bartering or using teeny tiny pieces of gold. Monero would only make sense if you are performing huge transactions because of how hard it is to find a party willing to accept it. Then it’s pretty clear what you are trying to avoid also if you are performing these transactions, either taxes or the law. The latter use making Monero that tiny bit useful if there turns out an idiot stupid enough exists that would sell revolutionaries what they want for this imaginary gold.

Going back, only bartering could really make sense for normal people, I know because I’ve done so many times. Either way people and corporations (who mind you own the means of production, that’s really important here) do not even use Monero at a scale big enough for it to really be considered a serious payment method, period.

For how much I’d like it to be different it simply is not achievable for society now because of so many factors inhibiting Monero from being a sensible payment method. That’s why if a better socialist future does come, and we don’t die on nuclear flame, I’ll be one of the first to promote GNU Taler as I see it having more sense and prospects for existing. And when currency is completely abolished in a communist/anarchist society, it’s never going to make sense again.

So yeah, I’ve got nothing for a general “everything” currency that is free from central banking because it does not exist. Monero has its niche and that can be utilized, but the question I also would like to ask is:

Why is a currency disconnected from central banking necessary now, when clearly it provides no benefits to most people who have more pressing matters above them that Monero won’t fix and in fact might worsen.

Depends really. Many darknet transactions can only be done in Monero nowadays, so it has proven itself as a better currency than Bitcoin to the criminal underworld. But outside of that it very much is cryptobro bullshit to be avoided.

I like to tell socialists that before revolution Monero is the only tolerable crypto currency (even then it has very few uses), but after that it’s just a liability to be rid of. Hell for most liberals (except the grifters) Monero is no different to other crypto grifts and thus useless.

I also like to compare it to the slogan (paraphrasing): “The gun can only be abolished by the gun.” but they aren’t really that comparable as the two are fundamentally different. But some similarities can be taken.

🎶"He’s gonna take you back to the past. To use shitty apps that suck ass. He’d rather have-"🎶

Unfortunately, too bad I actually like using cash not just for privacy but for covenience reasons. I also like advocating for the use of cash and keeping it instead of abandoning it.

I also don’t like being extremely over reliant on technology so the WeChat ecosystem of China annoys me.

And then there’s people like that 😒

You do realize that cash self checkouts exist? They’re only rare as they cost more money for companies, but who says they couldn’t be legally enforced? I’ve honestly seen them only in hipermarkets like Auchan, Tesco, Le’Clerc and Carrefour.

Smells like Poland, I’ve seen a lot of “STOP NWO” “PŁAĆ GOTÓWKĄ” grafitti all over the place. Probably drawn by a singular guy seeing how similar they’ve looked and had the same color.

Switzerland and Sweden

Are you serious right now? Protect privacy and free speech by hosting right in the imperial core? Bruh.

Well, since I’m not a copyright lawyer. I dunno :^)

Maybe a new offshoot license would be something that they go for, who knows?

Or maybe even no new license will come of this!