The most common argument used in defense of mass surveillance is ‘If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’. Try saying that to women in the US states where abortion has suddenly become illegal. Say it to investigative journalists in authoritarian countries. Saying ‘I have nothing to hide’ means you stop caring about anyone fighting for their freedom. And one day, you might be one of them.

The most common argument used in defense of mass surveillance is ‘If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear’. Try saying that to women in the US states where abortion has suddenly become illegal. Say it to investigative journalists in authoritarian countries. Saying ‘I have nothing to hide’ means you stop caring about anyone fighting for their freedom. And one day, you might be one of them.

Ok but you don’t need to pay a vpn to have a reasonable amount of online privacy. Even more because most of the things today work online and you need to provide an identity por example for government services. So is not bad to have a a standard profile but take precautions that don’t need to use a vpn. Even if true, this is propaganda to have fear and buy it.


If you read the blog post you would know there are 0 mentions of VPNs there. VPNs have very limited purpose, and it’s just a small tool in the arsenal of privacy.

What other tools than VPNs would you say are important?


It really depends on each person’s threat model. But there are a few things everyone would benefit from. Like VPN, email aliasing, password manager, 2FA/MFA. They don’t have any convenience cost and in most cases make your life easier.

If you are interested in learning more:

A vpn service, that it’s just that a company selling a product , publishing a blog post about the terrible things about not concerning about privacy… ah they didn’t mention vpns … so ok noting is being sold here…. :D

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They can’t have an opinion about privacy because they sell a service? :P

It is not possible to have privacy online anymore. Full stop.

Sure it’s possible, but it’s not practical.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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