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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Apr 06, 2024


A vpn service, that it’s just that a company selling a product , publishing a blog post about the terrible things about not concerning about privacy… ah they didn’t mention vpns … so ok noting is being sold here…. :D

Ok but you don’t need to pay a vpn to have a reasonable amount of online privacy. Even more because most of the things today work online and you need to provide an identity por example for government services. So is not bad to have a a standard profile but take precautions that don’t need to use a vpn. Even if true, this is propaganda to have fear and buy it.

The cheapest one + rclone crypt and or cryptomator / veracrypt

With protonvpn, are the the best vpns . And I tested all the services believe me. But the big issue mullvad have is IP bans. The rest is almost perfect . Ah and the problem with port forwarding, suddenly they decided to remove that service , with reason because people were abusing of it. But instead of just remove it one day to another, with no previous notification to the users and not giving an alternate option, felt very rough .

All good, but mullvad should work on more rotation of server IPs or find a solution from alltheir banned server by big techs . Nearly 90% of their servers are blocked to do common internet tasks .

After so much time of thinking, researching and testing all kinds of technologies and tools, my best recommendation to those who talk to me about privacy is the following: keep your profile public, the one that everyone knows, the one related to work and to all government services, services like Amazon etc. Only use those what you supposedly should and even need to continue moving in society. But, keep a second profile, absolutely isolated and disconnected from the first, and where you have your ENTIRE real private world. The one that you only want to share with those you trust. It’s more or less what should be done in society in the real world. And to all this, personally, in that public profile, what I do is block all communication between entities as much as possible, just because I hate that they make free money from me. I also mold it to my convenience.

I was looking for something similar to this. Will research if it goest smooth pairing with iOS. Thank you