Exactly I find it funny too, why doesn’t he at least mirror his posts to Mastodon or just post on there, it’s just a copy/paste…or is it difficult on Qubes ?

On the other hand, normies are still on Twitter so… I don’t blame him


Twitter had a TOR service last time I checked, I haven’t seen a single Mastodon instance available as TOR service.


Twitter had a TOR service last time I checked, I haven’t seen a single Mastodon instance available as TOR service.

TIL Mastodon can be run as tor service : https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/optional/tor/


Exactly… “had

Check again, it’s broken now…

I haven’t seen a single Mastodon instance available as TOR service.

Kolektiva dot social is Mastodon server for activists, and they have a Onion version, and they never track you like Twitter does…

there is more into the anonymity game than just using TOR, other networks has their own approaches, and TOR is not perfect

Edit: but that’s another subject…

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