ZTDNS brings the best of both worlds to DNS: encryption and fine-grained control.

Guys this is an enterprise feature. I hate windows as much as the next guy but y’all should actually read the article. Its not forced upon anyone.


Yes, this mostly works as a managed DNS solution for enterprise networks that actually does what people in large organizations need and solves a ton of issues.


Yeah, this sounds like a pretty interesting feature that will (in theory at least) make enterprise networking more secure.

I highly doubt this will even be possible to use on Windows home or maybe even Pro. It’s probably locked behind at least some kind of extra licence as well.

It will also likely require quite a bit of effort to set up properly in enterprises.

People are freaking out over absolutely nothing. Just read the article and use common sense.

article should have less loaded heading though. by now it should be expected that most read only that. Heading in general should contain the essence of the article so the general idea can be seen at a glance.


Yes, but people obviously shouldn’t comment and get mad unless they have at least read some of the article.

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