You Can’t Stop The Signal

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I would just use kodi honestly. You can hook jellyfin into it

Just dont plug it into the internet and hook up a pi.

Oh certainly. We’re getting fucked in the ass by telecoms for phones


Spelling error, user immediately loses the argument.

In all seriousness OP sounds like a lobomite

Its impressive how drastically wrong you are

Hama’s has a public telegram channel? That seems like a legal liability

UK is the surveillance capital of the world. They love this shit.

Guys this is an enterprise feature. I hate windows as much as the next guy but y’all should actually read the article. Its not forced upon anyone.

I love that murderers and rapists have more privacy than pirates in most of the world.

I mean the answer is dont store the backup in a place unreachable when you need it.

Actually its really easy. Most people do it all the time. Its incredibly stupid though.

A) as others have pointed out this is a rather shit video

B) I fucking hate the “and nor should you” trend. Fuck off with what I should or shouldn’t do, just give me the facts and I’ll decide for myself.

Thats odd. Yeah my pi works fantastic as a client.

Its likely that your server is the problem and not the client if you’re having performance issues

I just solved this problem yesterday. Get a pi or nuc instead and install osmc. Its way better.

Billionaires can only become billionaires by forced monopolies and lobbying. Remove the politicians who are being bribed and replace them with normal people. No more billionaires.

It means what you think. If you look up “vaccine magnatize” you’ll find the nonsense they believed.

Oh 100%. Shits pretty bad here at times. I’m moving out of country soon hopefully though.

Im Canadian which I’ll be the first to admit is basically American.

Man its like the UK is an authoritarian shit hole or something. Y’all need weapons and resistance. And no, I’m not American before someone asks.

If you have an old smartphone I’d just mount that on your dash. There’s quite a few apps you can use. Pull out the SIM and away you go.

Its saved my skin once when my retard cousin connected his malware infected laptop to my “I domt control this device” network. Only other thing on the network was my work laptop that has a ton of security on it. More than I even have on my stuff. So it lit up like a Christmas tree and commited suicide. Get a ping from my boss asking what the fuck I downloaded lmao.

If you’re hiding from the LEOs in any real way you sure as fuck aren’t using email.

Fair point, I didn’t think of that. Any IoT device gets put in the “naughty” vlan and 99% of their outgoing requests goes straight to /Dev/null

Why would you connect your washing machine to WiFi in the first place? Like legitimate question.

Its very funny to me that I only learned about Invidious recently because youtube is trying to take it down. I will never open youtube ever again. Ive been using addblock/tracking blockers for a decade at this point but now I don't even have to look at their shitty website with its ever degrading interface. You can't stop the signal. Fuck you Google.