Downvoted. Please dont post images of text. Blind people cannot read it.

Type the text next time.

Don’t post images of objects, blind people cannot see them.

Type the items next time.

Only post images as ASCII art

This a screenshot of mostly text, it can be easily transcripted. It a aint a fuckin apple. What are you talking about?


No matter how right you are you don’t get to be a dick.

what did I do that was dick-ish?

We should all be doing our part to downvote and report low effort spam. It improves the quality of our communities.

Oh stop it lmao

These stupid internet points mean nothing

But humans being kind to humans means everything

removed by mod

Jesus, at least don’t be a pretentious asshole about it. It’s nice that you care but cmon, a transcription image combo would be best. Also:


lol. lmao even

Downvoted. Those who don’t know english cannot read your comment. There are many of them.

Translate the text next time.

Are you really this ignorant about how accessibility tools work for disabled people?

Instead of complaining, you could have just submitted a transcript. So far as I have noticed this was the attitude to the issue on the platform.

Also, for the record, I didn’t downvote you. My instance does not allow it.

Its not my job to transcribe posts. Its the job of the OP. That’s the point.

You could transcribe it…

Why would I fix something when I can bitch?

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