VideoLAN @videolan App Stores were a mistake. Currently, we cannot update VLC on Windows Store, and we cannot update VLC on Android Play Store, without reducing security or dropping a lot of users… For now, iOS App Store still allows us to ship for iOS9, but until when?


PeaZip is something you should check out too

I tried it and went back so winrar.


What does 7zip do better?

7z is better than rar and its algorithm is fully open source

Oh shit I did not know that. Switching now, thanks

No, 7z is not better. RAR is more reliable, has repairing and archive lock options and provides builtin recovery record option. It also provides full preservation of UNIX timestamps down to the nanosecond. Discounting archive repair feature is not a good approach.

7z is open source and has 2-5% better compression ratio, but RAR has proved its credibility and reliability over the past couple decades.

Check out PeaZip


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