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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


Youtube Google search results have been garbage for a while now :(

I can’t speak for privacy interworkings but Motorola makes it very easy to unlock the bootloader. I’m a fan of Xiaomi as well but my current Motorola is doing everything I need it to do and wasn’t expensive at all.

Same with my Motorola. Mine’s rooted so I would have uninstalled it anyway.

Yeah honestly my first suspect in this scenario would be Google itself.

Motorcycles do not burn fuel as cleanly so are more harmful to the environment though so trade-offs

That very much depends on the bike and if the owner is a douchebag that notifies it to be horrible.

Also, motorcycles can get around 50 miles per gallon. So that’s a win vs other ICE vehicles.

Yeah I don’t foresee Google staying on top for Search unless they make drastic changes.

Not literally everything. But if you’re sending unencrypted data via internet, even data you may not be aware of. It’s likely being stored by some company.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. It’s the same with all the big data companies. Everything you type, say or do gets logged and never deleted.

I always get funny looks when in person and I give my email address as YourCompanyName@MyDomain.com

I used to explain the how’s and the why’s but now I just say I’m a geek and move along. But if I start getting spam or bullshit to that address best believe I know who fucked up.

20 years ago there would have been an outrage. Today, people are fine with it. I don’t understand that shit. Yet those same people were quick to jump on byte dance, because china.

There should be rules and regulations across the board, un- influenced by bribes lobbying.

Depends on compression/image quality/resolution x number of cameras. That said, I think my previous setup was using a 2TB for eight 1080p cameras. I believe that maintained about a month of footage with motion detection.

FairEmail has per folder settings for things like notifications. I have email filtered into various folders on the server. They when my phone gets the mail in each folder it notifies me (or doesn’t) depending.

Since I could never get my family to switch to anything else I just assume all of my communications are accessible by the government(s) and their corporate owners, so I censor myself.

Your only source is to counter a claim I didn’t make. I’m not going to do your homework. If you’re worried about privacy, don’t use Discord. That’s the short version.

A majority stake of Discord is owned by Tencent, which is a Chinese data collection company required by law to pass personal user information to the CCP. Discord runs on an unencrypted network.

I’m just stating some facts. Make your own judgement call.