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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


You probably got swept up in the Suspicious User heuristics that Twitch uses now. Mods and Broadcasters should still see your chats. Message a moderator of the channel and explain the situation. They can remove your account from the shadowban from that channel.

It probably means lots of users from that VPN’s gateway IP have been reported/banned/manually added to the Suspicious User restriction list.

I doubt it has anything to do with Linux, and I guarantee it’s not a move to flip you off for trying to guard your privacy as an innocent person.

The issue is that a lot of the things you can do to hide your identity online are the same things people doing bots or harassment do, because they work.

So, their system learns that pattern and when you match it you get caught up. There is no good way to tell users apart when doing offensive security like this, other than waiting for accounts to start spamming the n-word in chats and ruining the stream experience, which is the thing this system is mean to prevent.

Don’t get caught up in privacy paranoia - there are much bigger fish they’re trying to fry than someone who just doesn’t want ad networks tracking them.

Ok genius: solve it then. How do you stop compromised accounts from using a VPN without affecting innocent users?

You don’t. The shitbags ruined it for everyone.

VPNs exist and then boom IP bans no longer matter. Hell, some ISPs give you a new IP if you just restart your modem. IP bans sweep up clusters of users behind large gateways like college dorms or carrier-grade NAT.

IP bans do not work and I’m sure twitch seldom uses them, the exceptions being VPNs and cheap/free VPS services.

Compromised accounts logging in from VPNs are a thing, and most Twitch users probably can’t be trusted not to be reusing passwords across literally everything.

Yo is this whole post a self-report?

Install Steam’s Proton and just run whatever windows games you want*, no more need to dual boot.

*unless they have kernel-level anticheat and isn’t Linux compatible

Correlation != Causation.

Now, on the other hand, the number of breaches has gone way up recently. Microsoft has pushed AD and Exchange into the cloud recently. And they just had several instances where keys were stolen and passwords were left in the clear for months after they were notified, as well…

Well we have no solid evidence but it’s certainly within the realm of possibility.

Seems to me like this is stepping up to fill the spot that was left by Keybase

Depends on the model of pump. Some of them you push one of the unlabeled buttons a few times (my local Shell it’s the 2nd one down on the right)

I’ve never seen a pump that took a card inside it like an ATM; did you mean the transaction was stuck or the physical card?

Second button down on the right side of the screen, press it (up to) 4 times and it mutes that shit

No, the point of the windows store is that Microsoft gets more control over your machine.

Code downloaded from websites can still be (and is) signed; when it’s not you get that box where you have to click “Run Anyway”

Also nearly complete rolling out Keypass/Webauthn compatibility!

I’m not typing a 64-character random string from a notepad everytime I log in somewhere tho

“In several SSDs”

Backups are usually done to slower HDDs (online backups) and then to tape archives (offline).

They’ve got it forever.

They are doing a version of it for video players, actually.

You know, so you can’t watch YouTube on alternate clients.

HomeAssistant can expose any device you want to HomeKit. I use it for Siri instead of going through the Hue hub.

If they remove the ability to Zigbee to other hubs I swear to god I will be the first one on the class action lawsuit train.

Javascript plus a “curl | sudo sh” attitude to life equals “yeah no, I am never touching this thing”.

Assclown take. Buy a HomeAssistant Yellow and boom done.

I believe the edge devices would use netboot, so they load the kernel and user land into RAM over a network and have no disk in them at all.

Here’s hoping that image stays clean😉

If you are really worried about the password manager being an intrusion vector, secure your vault with a hardware key.

If all you use is a web browser and all the sites you visit are HTTPS only