I went in to delete mine. Was forced to put in my real name and current employer without any way to opt out. So for a short brilliant moment I was Bobo Bobolicious of Bob’s Boat Oars

What’s a good multiplatform password manager these days? I’ve been meaning to move away from LastPass for forever (and update my passwords in the process), I just haven’t found the time to sort through all of that.




KeepassXC with iCloud sync is my setup at the moment.


With iCloud? Really? Just WAO!


It’s an encrypted database and I am not tech savvy enough to self host a sync service.

I question whether a lot of people even need sync.

Passwords in general don’t change for long periods of time. Really the only rationale for doing so is confirmed or suspected compromise (two-factor processes make this rarer still). It doesn’t strike me that an almost permanently static input merits regular synchronization.

The alternative is doing a one-off manual sync (copy and paste) between two local DBs, then locally moving one of them to the target device. Zero online connectivity has to dramatically reduce attack surface. Is five minutes’ maintenance per year an unacceptable convenience penalty to pay?


I get it, and I’m sorry that I cake across as insensitive to that. Reading my comment again, I can see that I sounded just like an “Arch Master Race” Looney. On the other hand, none of us knew how to self-host, but each of the ones that do it now, learned. It’s about privacy and how much you want to move away from our dependence on big tech (privacy). You could start with something as simple as SyncThing on your computer, and slowly scale from there as you learn. I would even argue that you could use something like sync.com, only to start at least segregating who could potentially have your data, my understanding is that they run a zero-knowledge model, even for the free tier. More importantly, suggesting to others to use Apple, Google, Microsoft or any of the other huge offenders out there, you could be looked down upon as a troll by in these privacy instances. I hope you can get away from Apple’s grasp as much as possible at some point, and feel free to come and ask, many of us have already walked the rockiest roads to that freedom, and we’re more than willing to share and help. Good luck.


Thanks for the advice!

My Apple devices are from work and we are able to use them privately with admin rights. On my private account I have mostly open source software like Quodlibet for my music collection, Firefox, Inkscape, and so on. My Mailaccount is from a small German privacy by design provider. I have a Synology NAS I run Paperless NGX and Jellyfin on. I switch Operating systems regularly.

I think I am well set up 😁.


Yes you are Sir. You’re on the greener side of the fence, for sure.

removed by mod


Also nearly complete rolling out Keypass/Webauthn compatibility!

Perfect, thank you!

I just moved from Dashlane it was painless

Say what you want about old timers but [ Notebook and Pencil ] has a 100% success rate if the attacker doesn’t have physical access.

Actually, that would make it easier to fall for a phishing page. My browser extension will only offer to fill example.com. If I’m on exarnple.com, it won’t. This makes me say “hmm, why no match for this page? ah! the domain is different”. With a notebook, I’d happily type the password in just the same.

PEBKAC isn’t really an argument greater than a Strawman. If you’re saying operators can’t be trusted to be competent you might as well argue that these people shouldn’t own computers or cellphones, or kitchen knifes or other things that require a minimum competence.


I’m not typing a 64-character random string from a notepad everytime I log in somewhere tho

And an encrypted vault probably has a near 100% success rate even if the attacker has access to it given a sufficient vault password.

Sure, but that’s where the cross platform comes in, because I’d rather not have to lug said notebook around with me.

Convenience and Security are different goals. You can either put security before or after convenience.

I’m gonna go for taking reasonable action of fortification and then try my luck.

And negative, usable security is a delicate balance of security and convenience. It employs various layers of usable redundant security methods that keep things to the best possible and reasonable level of security available, while also maintaining useful defense. If I were doing anything rendering me a target of a malicious actor, that’s a different story. But run of the mill individual passwords for each website/service coupled with 2FA along with password database encryption is enough to keep a nobody like me reasonably comfortable.

Bit warden

I’ll have a look, thanks

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