Epicurean Revolutionary Libertarian Socialist

I make FOSS things:

wiki-user: db0

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Time to delete your Glassdoor account
I went in to delete mine. Was forced to put in my real name and current employer without any way to opt out. So for a short brilliant moment I was Bobo Bobolicious of Bob's Boat Oars

Words are cheap. Google used to write “don’t be evil”. If they are a billionaire, they could easily afford to make this FOSS.

Exactly. Beware of the inevitable enshittification down the line. Once they have the market share, they have no reason not to close their source

They would would have to scrape through a custom means like a web crawler. If you’re defederated from them, content your instances won’t be sent to them via other instances.