Alternate account for

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


I’ve been using it via the LibRedirect extension for a while now and it’s great. Feels a lot more reliable than LibReddit ever was.

You laugh but there’s actually a very big and active piracy community on Telegram sharing videos

Least insane apple fanboy

If you’d read the article it’s about Apple intentionally imposing restrictions that nobody else does, like not allowing getting apps out of their store and putting roadblocks for Android to support things like their messenger

The case is that they’re abusing their market lead by forcing people to stay on iPhones, all these restrictions Android/Google DOESN’T do

If you’re down for some 🏴‍☠️🦜 there are ways to play Minecraft multiplayer without needing an account.

Otherwise, Minetest is your best bet. It looks and plays like an older version of Minecraft.

Vintage Story is an acquired taste, it’s actually not that similar to Minecraft as you would think. It’s a hardcore survival game where everything takes a lot of time. You’ll spend many hours before you’re even able to mine stone and you need to manage your resources properly.

Shader caching is a thing that happens when you’re playing a game. The first time you see an effect (like particles), your computer has to process that and cache it for the future. This can sometimes cause stuttering for larger effects, so shader pre-caching is a thing that downloads all these shaders for you so you won’t stutter while playing.

It’s useful for older PCs where stuttering can be very noticeable, but it’s probably something you should turn off unless you think you need it.

It depends on the game, turning off shader pre-caching can cause a lot of stutters. I agree it should be turned off unless you need it though.

Considering the fact that they’re already relying on GE’s version of wine, I don’t see why they wouldn’t move on to this when it’s stable. From the github: ### WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR OTHER LAUNCHERS (lutris/bottles/heroic/legendary,etc): * everyone can use + contribute to the same protonfixes, no more managing individual install scripts per launcher * everyone can run their games through proton just like a native steam game * no steam or steam binaries required * a unified online database of game fixes (protonfixes)

Love the extension, but it’s a shame not all the alternate front-ends work. The Reddit ones stopped working a while ago, the fandom one is unreliable, lots of other ones are just a tad too slow.

No official announcements means you could get banned for trying it. Don’t do it.

If you have a normal social life it’s honestly expected that a couple of people will leak your phone number (and contact name). Nothing you can really do about it. Happened to me many times.

Oh neat, I had no idea someone was upgrading Openboard. I thought it was abandoned.

Dude was schizoposting the other thread and attacking everyone for downvoting him lmao

I just don’t get what caused such a radical change. The EU has been at the top of caring about consumer privacy, with countries like germany even creating sweet laws like censoring most buildings from google’s street view.

Now suddenly they want to jeopardize encryption and create backdoors? What gives?

Flatpak is the future, no doubt about that. I don’t know how devs and distro owners put up with the normal way of distributing binaries. The motto is supposed to be “build once, run anywhere” but sometimes it felt like “build 20 times, enter dependency hell, realize your distro’s repo is using a 6 month old version with no signs of updating”. I don’t miss those days. I’m always going for Flatpak now.

Copying from the old thread:

Nobara Linux. The official website is WIP but it’s essentially a distro aimed for gaming, with the important things like Steam and Lutris pre-installed.

I’m currently using it and it’s pretty good and reliable. It defaults to wayland though, you may want to go back to Xorg if you’re using an Nvidia gpu.

Literally anything you connect to whether it be a website or multiplayer game has your IP, it’s nothing to worry about. Hardware info is pretty standard too.

I bet whatever instance that doesn’t require emails will be defederated for spam. Just use a burner email or an email mask like firefox relay.

cross-posted from: > Back at FOSDEM [we announced the idea of Matrix 2.0]( - a series of huge step changes in terms of Matrix’s usability and performance, made up of [Sliding Sync]( (instant login/launch/sync), [Native OIDC]( authentication), [Native Group VoIP]( (end-to-end encrypted large-scale voice & video conferencing) and [Faster Joins]( (lazy-loading room state when your server joins a room). > > Now, we’re excited to announce that as of today everyone can start playing with these Matrix 2.0 features. There’s still some work to bring them formally into the specification, but we’re putting it out there for folks to experience right now. Developers: watch this space for updates on the spec front. > > Practically speaking, this means there are now implementations of the four pillars of Matrix 2.0 available today which you can use to power a daily-driver Matrix 2.0 client. The work here has been driven primarily by [Element](, using their new [Element X]( client as the test-bed for the new Matrix 2.0 functionality and to prove that the new APIs are informed by real-world usage and can concretely demonstrably create an app which begins to outperform iMessage, WhatsApp and Telegram in terms of usability and performance… all while benefiting from being 100% built on Matrix.

There isn’t really a point to that. The very first thing thieves do is turn off the phone so you can’t track it. They’ll then usually format your phone and sell it. Best you can do is set up a secure password and not show any info on the lock screen so they at least wouldn’t be able to access your stuff.

This would affect even messages and files that are end-to-end encrypted to protect user privacy.

But how would they even enforce that? It’s E2E, and I doubt anyone would add backdoors to every app, website, and service that uses it.

Lenovo and ASUS are pretty good. Avoid some of the lower end gaming laptops, they usually have heating issues. Avoid MSI and Dell, I’ve heard nothing but complaints. In general just do research before buying the laptop and you’ll be fine.

Not really, but it’s a rough estimate. If you want something to be supported for a much longer time then an AMD gpu is probably s good idea since their drivers are open source.

I’m not sure what GPUs he has but they must be very old. You don’t have to worry about this unless you really care about keeping your laptop for around 10 years or more.

Some years? Maybe if you have a 10+ year old GPU. They’re supported for a really long time. The GTX 10xx series are still fully supported despite releasing in 2016 for example.

AMD does tend to have better support but Nvidia GPUs work fine nowadays. Pretty much any laptop you buy should work fine out of the box, so just get something that has decent specs.

Gaming on Mac is a bit of a new territory. You can install Linux on modern Macs through Asahi Linux, but most games don’t work on it yet since it’s still somewhat experimental.

If you want to stick with MacOS, there’s a sort of Proton for it called Game Porting Toolkit. You may want to look at some benchmarks on it.

I would personally go for Nobara. It’s also a gaming-oriented distro but it’s made by the guy that does ProtonGE and WineGE, some of the best tools for gaming.

For what it’s worth protecting against fingerprinting is pretty hard, so don’t feel bad if it tells you your browser has a unique fingerprint. For most people (if you’re using Firefox) going to the settings and turning on strict tracking protection and “Do Not Track” set to always send is good enough and will probably stop most attempts by blocking domains that will try fingerprinting. And use Ublock Origin, people.

Its not the email address Meta is concerned about. Its the IP, device identifiers and location.

This actually applies to the entire internet, look into fingerprinting. This website checks how susceptible you are to it:

It’s worth noting you don’t have to install the web app to screen share, you can just open Discord in Firefox and it’ll ask for your permission to share your screen, which works totally fine. I use the normal discord app all the time and switch to the browser version when I need to share something, it’s less of a hassle than the other options.

Wow, first I’ve seen of this. Pretty scary.