NSA Director Paul Nakasone confirmed such purchases in his letter to Wyden, saying the data collected “may include information associated with electronic devices being used outside - and, in certain cases, inside - the United States.”

Fyi, this was only possible since Trump made it legal

What a load of shit.

Not only have they been doing this, blatantly, since the 2000’s (remember PRISM?), but even credit report agencies were originally setup in the 80’s to do exact this, and exploit this exact loophole for the government.

Did big scwary orange man bad do that, too?

ISPs weren’t selling it then. Now its part of their business model. That’s an important difference.

ISP’s have been collecting and selling browser history since 2010 at least

Them was Obama years, iirc

IIRC that shit started in the mid to late 90s, so under Billy Clinton


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OMG, I don’t care about which boogyman you fear, it would have happened eventually regardless of color in the position. Money and power speaks much louder than political party.

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