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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


And if that doesn’t work, you just start to pray /j

I’m so sorry.

user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

Like other comments suggested, don’t take the risk, create a separate account.

I partially disagree. It depends on *why* they sent the link.

If it’s totally out of nowhere, I agree; if someone asks a question and their channel/video answer the question? Feel free to advertise yourself.

So they’ll just rebrand it in the near future.

Like FLoC is now Topics API…

Secondary phone, or any other additional android device (let’s say a tablet).

(You can google Facebook lawsuits. The number of the results is scary.)

That’s what they say. Meta Facebook already lied before countless times, so who knows.

You can change the fallback and preferred API settings on the general settings section.

Disable ‘Proxy Videos Through Invidious’, under ‘Player Settings’.

Just here to comment about ‘tablet that doesn’t send your data to big corporate’.

If that’s an Android tablet, you’ll always have Google spyware. If it’s <manufacturer-name>'s (that is not Google), then you’ll have the spyware of them both.

So, I, personally, would’ve go with one that have a custom ROM. If you’re not open to the idea, maybe at least something created by Google.

BTW, I heard that you can use any invalid email address, but I never tried it myself.

Copy-pasting my own old answer.

Choose any of these 3 options:

A. Shift+F10 (opens cmd) > OOBE\BYPASSNRO

B. Continue until getting to creating account

B.1. Account > 123@123.com/test@test.com/a@b.com/1@1.ru/fuckoff@microsoft.com/a@outlook.com/d@d.d/na@na.com

B.2. Password > *enter any random password*

C. […] > How would you like to set up this device > Set up for work or school

With an existing system:

• CMD > net user /add *

Someone already broke to my house, so who need locks. /j

Molly added multi-device support, including secondary *Android* devices - phones, tablets, etc.

Fennec is good, Mull is the best for general browsing (so excluding Tor).

About how Pixel is more private… Pixel ‘only’ has Google’s tracking; other manufacturers have their own tracking, *on top/in addition* to Google’s tracking.

Kind of ironic. Got into privacy, thanks to Google.

I usually use Adblocker Ultimate.

To check it, I disabled all the other extensions.

You can use Shelter and to have there all the closed-source apps.

Banking apps work on a different user (Shelter’s/Android’s reg. secondary user) on GrapheneOS.

If you’re not comfortable with tinkering with your phone, that’s a different story. But know that you *can* have your cake and eat it.

The best would be to keep the language as it is, but it’s not really realistic…

You need to set it to your own country.

Unless there’s another place with a majority of people who speak the same language. Then, you can set the VPN to that country instead.

If you’re comfortable with English, I’d set it to English instead. It’s a bit less specific, so it’s another ‘layer’ that makes collecting data on you *a bit* less accurate.

You can use Farside with a Whoogle instance.

That way you don’t have to rely on a single instance.

3. I’m guessing that Google apps would be problematic. Except those apps, I didn’t have any compatibility issues, on Custom ROMs. Especially GrapheneOS, CalyxOS, LineageOS, and /e/OS.

4. On a different user, I installed banking app that would usually prevent you from using it. No problems to use the app whatsoever.

Trust is something only you can give.

I tend to trust known developers that work on projects without scandals in the last 5 years.

I’m not sure I’m following, so I’ll answer the question for both of the ways I can interpret that question.

If you mean to use site: operator in your <favorite-search-engine>, I don’t think you can.

You can use it to choose your instance once, but why not to always use it?

You can use it in the URL bar. Except the domain itself, the rest of the URL is remaining the same.

https://gооglе.соm/search?q=nyan cat would become https://farside.link/whoogle/search?q=nyan cat.

(You can do https://search.garudalinux.org/search?q=nyan cat, but Farside is fantastic.)

I forgot to mention, it gives you Google results without tracking, or any ads.

Give Whoogle a try. Just choose an instance; or, you can combine it with Farside. This way it will choose the best instance for you.

I remember some stuff too. But unlike the comments, I remember it was regarding privacy.

(I don’t remember what it was, and anyone I asked didn’t know what I’m talking about lol)

My take on it - if they block Tor can we really call it private?

In terms of privacy, Mullvad VPN is the one that considered the most private by the community.

A. WireGuard.

B. Cross-platform.

C. No need for Email to register.

D. Let you pay with cash.

E. Don’t have affiliated videos amd commercials.

F. Support port-forwarding.

G. Had no scandals over the past decade.

Stolen from Reddit - link to archive.org - to make sure that Reddit won’t make money out of it :3

E: unfortunately F is no longer true :/