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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


You will have to use wayland to run monitors at different refresh rates without tearing. You will also need wayland for HDR. It’s still not working perfectly yet, but there is a lot of work being put into it.

It’s more like how Linux was 25+ years ago. BSDs are great for servers and firewalls, but they aren’t really ready for desktop use yet.

I would like to see the benchmark results from this running on a high end system like a dual CPU EPYC 9754.

It’s not just limited to PC’s. USB C has a DisplayPort alternate mode and many phones and tablets support it now. I’m rather surprised manufacturers haven’t started putting USB C ports on TV’s for video input yet.

The HDMI licensing BS makes it rather useless. At least most monitors and GPUs have DisplayPort now. It’s mostly just TVs that are still limited to HDMI.

I managed to get Quake II RTX to run at a barely playable framerate on my RX 6700 XT. I never bothered with anything else since it performed so poorly.

The verified and playable status is specifically for the Steam Deck. Many more are playable on more powerful computers. You can always check the user submitted entries on protondb and wine appdb.

You can use Syncthing to sync any files you want. Just be sure to disable the Steam cloud sync to avoid conflicts.

I just refuse to buy any games with client side anti cheat. It’s just too much of a security and privacy risk to have those rootkits on my computers.

That looks like a nice build. It will have plenty of power for CAD and gaming. You may want to consider a better CPU cooler if you are going to run the CPU under heavy load for long periods of time though.

Lutris is just a launcher, it doesn’t sandbox anything.

Sometimes you can get the closed source Mali drivers to run on Linux, but it’s a lot of work and usually requires running an old kernel. I don’t know if you can get it to work for the Orange Pi 5 though. It’s probably not worth the effort considering the poor performance you will get running x86-64 code on ARM.

The GPU in the Orange Pi 5 supports Vulkan, but unfortunately, there is no open source Linux driver with Vulkan support for it yet.
Even if it gets driver support, it won’t have enough power to run that game.

Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are extremely well optimized as far as modern games go. Even in 4K with maxed out settings, they won’t really push a mid range GPU unless you have a 4K 120Hz monitor.

Thanks for the code. I took Metro: Exodus.

I wouldn’t really consider any specific distro as being the best for gaming. As long as it provides an up to date kernel and libraries, it will work well. Just don’t use a DE that takes up a lot of VRAM or GPU power.