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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


They’re scams 80% of the time, 15% of the time they are legit, but can only do older phones, and the remaining 5% are legit and also have an actual connection at the carrier to do current phones (Like an employee with access to an internal tool), consequently these also burn up quickly or regularly have “outages” (when said employee quits or gets fired)

Fair enough, the PF1 is a hefty SOB with the case I have on it. The PF2 is supposed to be “thinner and lighter” but I doubt it’s going to be close to the Pixel 6

I was skeptical myself about it, but once I got it going in my daily life I don’t think I can ever go back lmao

What screen size are you looking for? How do you feel about foldy phones? I’d wait for the Pixel Fold 2 that’s supposed to be dropping in the Fall and all but confirmed to be hitting 8 inchs unfolded if you don’t mind that size of tablet

For me the biggest problem with tablets is it’s never around when I want to do tablet things, having the Pixel Fold 1 that’s been entirely solved

And then it should fill your other requirements as Pixel phones are good about allowing bootloader unlocks (If you’re buying from a carrier and your carrier is Verizon, don’t bother they’re assholes about BL unlocks)

Ok I stand partially corrected, it’s something that’s coming but is not rolled out yet and looks like it’ll need the latest phones so everything slightly older is still fine

not even turned off because many phones emit Bluetooth beacons and other data that can be recorded and traced

That’s a bunch of bull, off is still off unless you have a reputable link/source that says otherwise.

No need to spread misinformation or conspiracy theories.

Isn’t MS on the government shit list right now over security missteps that led to the breach of gov officials?

Google was a company of engineers that you could trust, however, like Boeing (which was another “Company of Engineers”) they were slowly replaced by business execs who probably haven’t written a line of code in their life (Save for maybe some VBA for some businessy excel spreadsheet)

Unfortunately, video is the most intensive content to host and serve. That’s why these front ends exist, to leverage Google’s storage and bandwidth

Scientific theory doesn’t tell you to love your neighbor

It doesn’t and religion shouldn’t need to, in fact if the only thing making you a general good person is a religion, then you’re not a good person. Morals and personal strength can and should be derived from other sources.

We don’t need any more hate in the world.

Religion is directly responsible for the bulk of the hate, in case you haven’t looked at the world around you. How many wars were started in the name of a religion? Whole groups of people are being discriminated against because of religion right now. There’s a war right now because of religion. X religion people hate Y religion people just because they believe in a slightly different flying spaghetti monster. Countless lives throughout history have been lost in the name of x or y religion.

A world without religion would still have hate, crime and greed because humans are humans, but it would be so much better than currently.

And definitely don’t report it as “Hateful or abusive” content or anything, it’s not like Google or Apple is using automated algorithms to auto disable apps for a period of time after certain thresholds of reports are hit or anything like that

I have a backlogged project sketched to use computer vision AI and a doorbell cam to recognize (Most of the time, they wear identifiable name tags, but I know it won’t be a perfect system) when religious door knockers are at my door.

Then proceed into a rant about how organized religions are a cult and that if they want my help to leave the cult I’d be happy too, but if not they are officially being charged a “personal land space” rental fee of $25/Minute lol

I wish it was never invented in the first place. I would much rather have a world where we argue over which scientific theory, or whatever, is right—rather than the one we have now, where a majority argue about whose ‘flying spaghetti monster,’ unseen for centuries (if ever), is better and why it trumps even the most solidly proven scientific facts.

That’s easy, just find [Some important person] who can’t live without [Chrome/Firefox/Whatever] and bring them to your side lmao

Either way, it didn’t sound like he was saying “I tried to push for better, but management shut me down” it sounded like he was happy to move to edge and “couldn’t understand why people were angry”

Firefox exists, but it has its issues, it’s def not so great at memory optimization. It will regularly crash on me once I go beyond around 100 tabs regardless of how much system resources I throw at it (Seriously, it did the same thing on a 4 socket server with 512GBs RAM)

And starts getting sluggish when I even start approaching it. Chrome otoh, reserves a lot of RAM for itself, but at least it can manage it well into the hundreds of tabs I throw at it

Edge can go fucking die, MS has lost all trust with me when it comes to them and Internet Browsers, I rip edge out of all my systems no matter what it might “break”.

Maybe you should deploy solutions that are browser agnostic. That kind of shit is how we ended up with IE and its proprietary BS like ActiveX years ago. Clearly, people are forgetting history

Damn, thanks I just turned off auto update for it so I can stay on this version as long as possible lmao 😂

Are you using the actual official remote app? It looks different from mine and doesn’t have the “featured” tab shown

Rider sucks ass for C# development, Jet rains makes some good IDEs no question. But when it comes to dotnet development VS is king

You need to use sign in instead of sign up, it won’t login at all and drop you to the screen to make a local account

noting that needing to use Windows specific software should not be the reason, as WINE exists.

Lol try installing Visual Studio 22 or even 19 on WINE and get back to me lmfao 😂

Go through the account login, put a@a.com for user and something random for the pass. It should try to do something and then say something like Account disabled blah blah create a local account