• 12 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Mar 20, 2024


I’m guessing the local llms

Sorry, was the only way to share the app. I know it’s not optimal, personally I use Aurora Store to grab it.

FUTO just launched their privacy focused keyboard app. I know there have been quite a few posts about keyboard recommendations, so this might be worth checking out if you're not happy with your current one.

Privacy focused Podcast recommendations?
After the podcast show [*The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show*](https://inteltechniques.com/podcast.html) stopped putting out episodes, I've been on the lookout for other ones. Just stumbled upon *[The Lockdown (Practical Privacy & Security)](https://lockdown.media/podcast/)* and it seems rather good based on the first episode I listened to so thought i'd share it. But am still looking for more as I am a big podcast listener, so please do recommend any privacy focused podcasts 🕵️

Ok good to know, it does seem like there is some standard across browsers for a maximum cookie lifetime of 400 at least.

Do you have a cookie extension in specifc you would recommend?

It’s about having options, not excluding any other projects at all. Yes Librewolf is great, but for some, like myself, its too strict.

I did, all I found was how to define the cookielife time by yourself, not what the default value is… :<

I found this thread discussing it, they found the maximum lifespan to be around 400 days for the different browsers. However Google Docs state that it can be longer than 400 days if specified correctly. https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/cookie-maximum-lifespan/105916/5

As far as I have understood it those are two different things; Cookie lifetime(locally on your device), as well as the servers cookie, reffered to as company/vendors retention period, e.g. how long they are allowed to keep your data for.

not excluding Librewolf, just sharing options.

I don’t view the ghacks.net article as badpress myself after reading it. Also the System1 deal, which is no longer a thing, is the same company who bought Startpage, which is still recommended over at privacyguides.org

Definitely a very valid point!

You probably shouldnt tbh. I don’t think Waterfox is any better, it’s just less strict in terms of the defaults. Think Waterfox caters best to those who want the Firefox feel but without the telemetry.

They became independent again last year!

Waterfox is a browser, obviously based on Firefox, but without default "junk" that Firefox comes with. Don't see many mentions to Waterfox at all in this community? Are there any specific reasons for it? Seems like a neat version of Firefox, with development based out of the UK. - **Worthwile blogpost on their independence and future updates:** https://www.waterfox.net/blog/waterfox-in-2023/ - **Project:** https://www.waterfox.net - **Flathub:** https://flathub.org/apps/net.waterfox.waterfox

Thanks a lot for the write up!

Would be nice if you could include some details of what is happening when you try etc etc… Not just saying “it doesn’t work”…

Nicely written article and a good read! However I had not heard of Threema before. It looks like a promising messaging app itself, anyone use it?

Yes indeed, password managers have the option to do this, at least Protonpass and Bitwarden. While Bitwarden you need to connect a third party email service. But it’s relatively easy, especially with Protonpass as it will automatically suggest to do this when you create an account somewhere.

Yeah, I really shouldn’t. It’s just annoying, that’s all.

Welp I guess this is the perfect example of companies not deleting your credentials and account info when asking for it... I deleted my Notion account several years ago. And completely randomly today got an email from them about data retention, assuming this is one of those "important" emails they have to send out. Sadly, years ago I wasnt using email-aliases like I am today, so still stuck with them having my email. Fuck I hate this so much. Thought I'd just share this lesson, use alises my friends!

I assume that when you say “them”, you tried to visit the hompage of Pixalate? But it sounds about right actually, the app I am investigating have the following trackers implemented;

  • Adjust
  • AppsFlyer
  • Google AdMob
  • Google CrashLytics
  • Google Firebase Analytics
  • Yoadx

Ah I see now. I do think this will vary a lot from vendor to vendor and cookie to cookie though. The one I included was only a random one out of 198 different ones. Other cookies I’ve read through will have ad-measurements and tracking for 3000+ days too :<

Well this is good to know, and also means i have to run through my numbers again… Am currently checking all the data 198 different vendors are asking for… its an extremely tedious process :<

Made the spoiler data/cookies more readable now.

Thanks for your input, but not sure what you meant with your last sentence, could you clarify?

But if not themselves then who? There are no additional parties/companies/vendors listed within these cookies as far as I can see at least, and im pretty sure they do need to be listed? Also these companies are the tracking companies, so it would be weird if it wasnt them. As far as I understand it atleast.

Don’t mind me, I’m just a cookie who wants to store your information for 9993 years…

Ah indeed possible, I have seen some cookies with names such as “optout”, but this is not always the case. But does that mean people who DO NOT consent still get a cookie, but a different one without tracking and sorts…?

Additionally, there are vendors that claim they dont use cookies like seen here; However again when clicking on >Storage Details, it reveals two different cookies, with a cookie duration of 728 days, with a the purpose “store and/or access information on a device”. HOW IS THIS NOT A COOKIE THEN?

Yo peeps, I'm currently looking into [TCF Vendors](https://iabeurope.eu/vendor-list-tcf/), Ad partners and their whole **corporate greed hellhole of tracking.** I am writing a paper on this, and would like for everything to be factually correct. However, I am struggling to understand one particular part of this "transparency framework" and hope someone can help me clarify on cookie-duration. As seen in the first thumbnail, the cookie duration is listed as 180 days. However, upon selecting > Storage Details, each cookie is displayed in further detail. In this detailed section, there are additional cookies with duration as high as 1825 days, not 180... So which is it? Currently, I'm (obviously) assuming the worst, as in, it being 1825 and not 180 days. There are additional cookies on this list, see spoiler below, that have cookies with the duration of 180 days. Why are the cookies with the highest duration listed on the first page? And if the answer is that "it would look worse", then they also have cookies with lower amount of days than 180 that could have been used. There are multiple cookies with different durations, do all of them count? ![](https://slrpnk.net/pictrs/image/1aec83a6-6161-4902-ad7e-5a13b9cdf9e4.webp) ### If needed here is a spolier that includes all the cookies in detail from the Exactag GmbH vendor. ::: spoiler SPOILER ``` Exactag GmbH - Storage details Name: exactag_new_adoptout Type: Cookie Duration: 1825 (days) Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Refreshes Cookies: No Name: exactag_new_ccoptout Type: Cookie Duration: 1825 (days) Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Refreshes Cookies: No Name: exactag_new_optout Type: Cookie Duration: 1825 (days) Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Refreshes Cookies: No Name: exactag_new_cpv Type: Cookie Duration: 1 (days) Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Measure advertising performance Measure content performance Refreshes Cookies: No Name: exactag_new_gk Type: Cookie Duration: 60 (days) Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Measure advertising performance Measure content performance Refreshes Cookies: No Name: exactag_new_uk Type: Cookie Duration: 180 (days) Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Measure advertising performance Measure content performance Refreshes Cookies: Yes Name: exactag_new_user Type: Cookie Duration: 180 (days) Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Measure advertising performance Measure content performance Refreshes Cookies: Yes Name: session_session Type: Cookie Duration: Uses session cookies Domain: Purposes: Store and/or access information on a device Measure advertising performance Measure content performance Refreshes Cookies: No ``` ::: Let me know if any additional information is needed.

Hahaha haha I cannot believe someone made https://www.zzzuckerberg.com, that’s just freaking hilarious! Love that the brightness also decrease the further you scroll 😂

I’m only going through 10 of them, so personally it would be quicker to do it manually.

This is pretty close to what im looking for actually, thanks for sharing! :)

Preferably line by line. Kind of like what Github does whenever you apply a commit, it will make a red line for what is removed and a green line for what is added code. I could look into LLMs though, but was hoping to find a quick n dirty tool to do the job.

While this is a great service, it’s not a tool that allows me to enter my own downloaded privacy policies and compare against others, as far as I’ve understood it? This seems like a service that you can upload a PP too and wait for it to be processed.

Are there any tools out there to compare Privacy Policies against each other?
Hiya, just quickly wondering if anyone know about a good tool for comparing Privacy policies against each other? Im currently downloading each PP, then using self-hosted StirlingPDF to compare 1 on 1. However, I am looking for a more efficient tool, to compare multiple at the time, if there are any. Any tool that can handle multiple PDFs or HTML files and look at the differences between them kinda tool. Appreciate any suggestions! 🕵️

In February, numerous schools in Chennai were targeted with hoax bomb threats sent via encrypted email service Proton Mail. The Indian government sought action against Proton Mail due to its misuse by malicious individuals. Swiss authorities intervened to prevent the platform from being blocked in India. Despite police efforts to trace the origin of the threats, Proton Mail’s encryption hindered investigations. The company refused to comply with Indian authorities’ requests for information, citing Swiss law. Proton Mail argued that blocking the service wouldn’t deter cybercriminals and could impede legitimate users. This incident isn’t the first time Proton Mail has faced controversy; it was previously blocked in Russia for similar reasons.

you can have it too, considering you’re on separate instances :P

Many privacy focused services have blogs where they will publish privacy related stories and news. So I suggest you look at the services that you like and or already use to see if they have blogs you can follow too.

Here are a few different ones, not all 100% privacy focused though.

Have a nice day 🌻

All valid points, I was more thinking about in the cases of sharing the pictures online - with others. Something I do occasionally at least. But find it a bit tedious to make sure the metadata from those are gone.

Do you take pictures with GPS tags on?
Hiya, so quickly wondering wether you have enabled this or not. Obviously it's not great for privacy, but it also seems very nice to have for image cloud solutions, so that images can be sorted based on location. Are there any good solutions for this? I'd like have it enabled, but also afraid of sharing images with sensitive metadata in them.

AFAIK, just that it isn’t fully open source. It is source available however, but that’s not the same. It’s sad that they dont go through with it as Vivaldi is by far the most feature rich browser out there.

Interesting findings within a VPN app
edit: please see comments for more informed insights. I am currently investigating and reverse engineering **free** VPNs for a master thesis, and just came across something I thought I'd share. VPN in this case is 1clickvpn.net, not .com! I'm sharing this as a warning as to never use free vpns! They are most often the opposite of what they promise to be. (by free I do not mean the free versions of premium services). But either way; be careful about your VPN choice, as they have access to a lot of sensitive data. I'm sure most peeps here know of this already, but next time you hear someone using a free vpn, let them know... This first image/code was sitting inside a file called NetworkModule, with some hella weird external links. 1. addrDOTcx, seems to have been linked to malware? Comes up flagged as malicious a few times on [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/095636b57c1246e28fbbfce6016802a76bae5216bf48bfbfa27c7581906b8d97). 2. freevpnDOTzone, seems to be another free possible malicious VPN service, might investigate this one later. 3. bigbrolookDOTcom, seems to longer be a registered domain. But wtf? Was this VPN service linked to p*rn?? ::: spoiler IMAGE HERE; Don't visit these links unless you know what you're doing. ![](https://slrpnk.net/pictrs/image/a7b19fdb-6d12-4b40-ad74-d15ee24d0a2f.webp) ::: Furthermore, there is this interesting find; Now I am no expert coder, frankly quite the amateur. But does the below code really mean what I think it does? ~~Seems like it could be creating a fake connection?~~. This is more-less normal behaviour it seems, considering it is a local address it is probably used for testing purposes or making the app not crash if a connection cant be established. ![](https://i.postimg.cc/4ddNH38L/Screenshot-20240409-130936.png) Is used once here; ![](https://i.postimg.cc/BZjHdZqB/Screenshot-20240409-131053.png) Stay safe 🌻

Note-taking app that looks too good to be true? - Siyuan
Recently stumbled upon this note-taking app called SiYuan, but it honestly looks a bit too good to be true(?). Has anyone here used it or got any experience with it? Trying to replace Obsidian is a difficult task, and I've been through almost all note-taking apps there are out there, however this one looks fairly similar. **Link to Repo;** https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan **Link to project;** https://b3log.org/siyuan/en/

Thoughts on Guard.io as a service for lesser tech savvy family members?
Hi there, So just watched latest video of Jim Browning and in the video he had a sponsor I had not heard about before, Guard.io. So I went to check it out, and it seems like a fairly decent service (by that I mean, a service I would put on family members devices) for helping against possible phishing attempt and general safeguarding online activity etc.. I currently have installed Ublock Origin in their browsers and pointed their DNS to `base.dns.mullvad.net`, but that's about it. So: - Anyone had any experience with this service? - What's the general consensus around this service? - Is it necessary, compared to the measures I mentioned above? - Are there any other general measure I could implement on their devices? (they are on both apple and Android ecosystems) Thanks for any suggestions 🌻
Thoughts on Guard.io as a service for lesser tech savvy family members?

Looking for a privacy focused travel assistant on mobile
Heya, as the title suggests. I have tried the KDE Initary (on mobile), but the user experience didn't quite flop-my-mop. It is however the better one in terms of privacy as far as I have found. Are there any other ones that you folks know of and would recommend? Looking for an app that specifically can hold boarding passes. Thanks in advance :=)